Actually if you can't afford to pay back your overpriced (read rip-off) student loans you can get in a special program that calculates your monthly student loan payments based on your AGI (adjusted gross income) of your IRS 1040.
I pay $10 a month on my loans. And if I don't pay them off in 25 years, they are actually forgiven.
Yes, I had to do some research to find this federal program. But it's legit.
Of course the PTB (powers to be) aren't going to advertise it.
Comments 2
I pay $10 a month on my loans. And if I don't pay them off in 25 years, they are actually forgiven.
Yes, I had to do some research to find this federal program. But it's legit.
Of course the PTB (powers to be) aren't going to advertise it.
Bottomline: don't default, just play the game.
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