PV Analysis: ガゼット - Miseinen

Mar 28, 2006 17:19

PV Analysis - Gazette: "Miseinen"

The PV begins at night it seems. It's mostly cloudy outside, and the clouds are flying by quickly. There's a young boy, barely an adolescent, playing with a soccer ball. He's kicking it up into the air with one foot, and as it falls, he kicks it with the other. Soon the ball is kicked to the side and starts bouncing then rolling away, out of sight. The boy is seen before the ball disappears chasing after it, then the song begins.

There are flashes of pictures which what looks like railroads and trains, and you also see first the boy, then Ruki just running. Running seems to be a very particular subject in this song, and seems to have several meanings to it as the song goes on. I suppose one of the meanings is running through the stages of life. Another, with reading the lyrics is running from expected choices and making your own, fearful of what is to come, but believing only in yourself.

Ruki seems really melancholy and frustrated in this PV, as well as scared. You can tell since he seems to hit himself quite a bit, on top of punching the camera. The boy who I think represents maybe Ruki when he was younger continues to run. There is constant switch between the boy and him, who is also running. The boy seems innocently running after his soccer ball, but Ruki seems to be running either from a bigger situation, or might even be reliving his journeys when he was younger.

Another reason you can tell Ruki seems scared is because as he runs, he is constantly looking back, wide-eyed. Almost as if he is being chased by something, either physically, emotionally or mentally.

He also grabs his hair and shakes his head a lot. Likely throughout his life he has made many mistakes, and is perhaps regretting them now? Maybe those mistakes have come back to haunt him, and it is why he is running away from it all now.

He seems to have little faith in himself too, as the lyrics point out. He knows he has to make these decisions on his own, but has little confidence in them. Maybe he has done these decisions in a rushed unthoughtful manner, which can connect to why he runs now. They might have looked right in his youth, but today, he is paying for it.

There is little reference in blood in this, but you can tell there are also brief parts where you do see blood in there. Especially towards the end, when Ruki approaches the boy, who holds his hand out. And when his hand is held out, Ruki releases blood onto the boys hand before walking off, and the boy just stares at it.

I was drowning in each rough new day
before I knew it I was shouldering such loneliness
It was hard. To be honest,
I really didn't want to be on my own.

There is also talk about adolescence, which also puts out the thought in sexuality. He mentions that briefly, on top of not wanting to be alone. Did something happen to his family and friends? Or maybe a lover? Did they die? Or did he reject them? (I mean in the PV of course and not in reality) Did he do something to cause what happened to them, or does he feel like he did something to them? The running and being scared could be him fleeing from guilt.

There is a flash of a much older man for a split second towards the end too. Who might that be? Him in the later future? His father perhaps?

In the end too the lyrics say ..

I began running, frantically aiming for the sky
I spread my wings and flew away, and the spot where I fell
was 'freedom'.
with a wonderful family, and wonderful friends
these were the best days of my life, if I'm reborn
let's meet again...

Suicide? Given up on the life on earth and aims for the new life? Or was he caught by what he was running from and killed in some manner? In the beginning the song was of many things, including seeking freedom. He seems to have found that freedom at the end, somehow.

This song seems connected to Zakurogata na Yuutsu, too. As right at the end, you see the boy sitting on that chair, staring at the TV, and the set is also the PV for said song too. This song speaks from the point of view of someone dying.

Or, all in all ..
Could he be running from death? It would explain many emotions I get from this song, and from Ruki's expressions and the whole running theme that is stressed a lot.
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