Title: The Julienne Job
Author: Trapper Creek Kaniac
Fandom: Leverage
Category: Humor, friendship
Rating: K
Warning(s): none
Summary: Parker surprises Eliot in the kitchen.
Author’s Note: Ficlet written for
ultra_fic as a thank you for my awesome LJ header banner.
“What are you doing?”
Eliot jumped at the sound of Parker’s voice. She never snuck up on him, well, except for that time during job where he was the fiddle. No mater how feather-light her footsteps were, he always heard her.
“Trying to slice this steak.”
A large, raw steak was laid out on the cutting board and Parker watched as Eliot drew the extremely sharp knife in even strokes against the grain, making super thin slices.
“Can I help?” She asked as she reached up and pulled a cereal box out of the cupboard and poured herself a bowl.
“Can I watch?”
“I guess.”
“Cool!” Parker hopped up on the end of the counter to watch the hitter work. She liked to watch him work with food.
“Stop starin’ at me.” Eliot growled several slices later.
Parker spooned another mouthful of cereal into her mouth. “Am not.”
“Are to.”
“Am not.”
Nate walked in just then, interrupting their bickering. “What are you two arguing about now?”
“She was staring at me.” Eliot pointed his knife at the grinning thief.
“Was not.”
Eliot glared at her.
“It’s a very distinctive stare. I can’t work properly when someone is staring at me.”