I don´t want to spam your f-lists too much so I will limit the stuff I have to share to one post. Have three hair conversions, one Person-Below-Me-sim and a teen conversion of Amaryll´s latest dress with boots.
Only Dynamite (black), Depth Charge (brown), Pyrotechnic (red), Volatile (blonde) and Mail Bomb (grey) are included. They are binned and familied with Mail Bomb for elders.
DOWNLOAD Coolsims 63 M2F Pookleted <--
Same binning system as above.
DOWNLOAD Coolsims 70 M2F Pookleted <--
Same binning system as the two hairs above with the exception that grey is linked to Dynamite and not a separate file.
DOWNLOAD Peggy 07390 F2M Pookleted <--
Pixel Trade - Person Below Me - Alien Edition
Mousemedic wrote:
"The person below me will make petite pointy nosed, wide lipped, wide eyed space faring alien who doesn't see much sunlight."
Have Cidem :D
DOWNLOAD Cidem with CC <--
DOWNLOAD Cidem without CC <--
All files are repositoried to the adult-files for textures. The adult-files are included in the .zip.
DOWNLOAD Amaryll GraphicDressBoots For TF <--
Hair meshes - Coolsims and Peggyzone
Hair textures and Colors - Pooklet
Coolsims 63 re-texture: SimGoddess
Peggy 07390 re-textue: Iosaur
Dress mesh and textures - Amaryll / Witheredlilies