Download - Let´s See What We Have - A Mix Off Stuff

Mar 27, 2011 15:55

I don´t want to spam your f-lists too much so I will limit the stuff I have to share to one post. Have three hair conversions, one Person-Below-Me-sim and a teen conversion of Amaryll´s latest dress with boots.

Only Dynamite (black), Depth Charge (brown), Pyrotechnic (red), Volatile (blonde) and Mail Bomb (grey) are included. They are binned and familied with Mail Bomb for elders.

--> DOWNLOAD Coolsims 63 M2F Pookleted <--

Same binning system as above.

--> DOWNLOAD Coolsims 70 M2F Pookleted <--

Same binning system as the two hairs above with the exception that grey is linked to Dynamite and not a separate file.

--> DOWNLOAD Peggy 07390 F2M Pookleted <--

Pixel Trade - Person Below Me - Alien Edition

Mousemedic wrote:
"The person below me will make petite pointy nosed, wide lipped, wide eyed space faring alien who doesn't see much sunlight."
Have Cidem :D


--> DOWNLOAD Cidem with CC <--
--> DOWNLOAD Cidem without CC <--

All files are repositoried to the adult-files for textures. The adult-files are included in the .zip.

--> DOWNLOAD Amaryll GraphicDressBoots For TF <--
Hair meshes - Coolsims and Peggyzone
Hair textures and Colors - Pooklet
Coolsims 63 re-texture: SimGoddess
Peggy 07390 re-textue: Iosaur
Dress mesh and textures - Amaryll / Witheredlilies

pixel trade, downloads, download - sim, download - hair, download - clothes

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