
Jan 19, 2006 03:50

I am going to put the following items on e-bay unless someone is interested:

* The Art of Advanced Dungeons and Dragons
* AD&D Forgotten Realms: Aurora's Whole Realms Catalogue
* AD&D Monster Manual
* AD&D The Complete Psionics Handbook
* D&D Set 1: Basic Rules red box set 1st edition
* D&D 3.0 Player's Handbook
* D&D 3.0 Monster Manual
* D&D 3.0 Dungeon Master's Guide
* D&D 3.0 Psionics Handbook
* Swashbuckling Adventures for d20
* Swashbuckling Adventures: Heroes, Villians, and Monsters for d20
* Street Fighter the Storytelling game from White Wolf
* Street Fighter: Secrets of Shadoloo
* Street Fighter: Contenders
* Street Fighter: Player's Guide
* Street Fighter: The Perfect Warrior (adventure)
* Shadowrun Third Edition Main Book
* The Cyclopedia Talislanta Volume 3: The Wilderlands of Zaran
* The Cyclopedia Talislanta Volume 4: The Western Lands
* The Cyclopedia Talislanta Volume 5: The Eastern Lands

Let me know if anyone wants anything.
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