Mar 17, 2008 21:13
Title: Caught
Disclaimer: Still not mine
Rating: PG
Mood: Uncomfortable
Pairings: Kon/Cassie, Bart/Tim
Summary: The Titans' mentors drop by unexpectedly.
A/N: I sense a semi-similar theme in today's fics... hmm...
Currently, Kory seems to be doing an admirable job of alternately comforting Diana, and restraining her from going off to saw Kon's head off. Clark seems to be struggling with the urge to do the same. Wally blurs in and out of visibility as he super-speed paces around the room, stopping every few moments in front of him and looking like he's about to ask something before zooming off again.
Bruce knows the teenagers in the adjoining room are probably in equal states of disarray as their mentors. Finally, Wally stops in front of him and actually says something.
"What are we going to do?" he demands. Clark and Diana turn to look at him as well. Kory inches her way out of the room carefully.
"Personally, I was planning on driving Robin back to Gotham so we can go on patrol." The three blink at him.
"That's it!? No punishment? No plans on how to make sure this never happens again?" exclaims Diana. Clark makes a calming noise.
"Surely Bruce has plenty of ideas on how to solve this problem," he says, looking to Bruce again. "Taking the kids home is obviously a good first step." Bruce cocks his head slightly.
"I wasn't aware this was a problem." Three bewildered gazes are now fixed on him.
"Not a problem?" says Wally finally, "how can this not be a problem!?" Bruce gives Wally a calm look.
"I suppose since you were unaware of these activities, you are justified in being upset, but--"
"You mean you knew!?" demands Diana, looking ready to punch someone, preferably him.
"I was not aware of Kon and Cassie's relations, though they were far from being unforeseeable. But yes, I was aware of Bart and Tim's relationship having a sexual aspect to it." Wally sputters.
"What! How?!"
"Tim told me." This statement is greeted with a stunned silence. Clark sits down hard on a nearby chair which creaks in protests. Wally wavers a bit, and Diana grips her lasso with one hand and clenches the other.
"He... told you? And you just let it happen?" demands Wally quavering between disbelief and outrage. Bruce nods.
"He told me when he first started dating Bart, and as their relationship progressed we talked about sexual intimacy. When they decided they wanted to become sexually intimate, Tim talked with me about it again. As for letting them, I feel that that they are more than mature enough to make wise and informed decisions on the matter. If they believe themselves to be in love and wish to--"
"Wait a minute, wait a minute, who said anything about love? Do you think that's what this is? They're teenagers! They are too young to have any sort of semi-serious relationship, much less be in love!" exclaims Wally. Bruce gives him a look.
"If they are old enough to put their lives on the line on a day to day basis for the sake of others and make decisions that could affect hundreds of lives, then I believe they are old enough to make decisions on matters that affect their romantic lives. Tim told me they are in love, and I know him well enough to know he would not have taken a relationship this far unless he was sure of that. Perhaps you ought to have talked to them more about these sorts of things earlier, as there is nothing you can do now to prevent it, and attempting to stop it would be ineffective and unwise."
Bruce sits back calmly as the three explode at him, and waits out their ranting.
"Forbidding them from seeing each other will only result in them being eager to rebel. While you could feasibly force them to quit the Teen Titans, that would be punishing others more than them. Also, these teenagers have superpowers, making it a lot more difficult to keep them grounded. If they do not want to stay somewhere, they will not. They are growing up, and this means that their respect and trust must be earned, as opposed to being freely given. What would've worked a few years ago will not now. In addition, you would make them incredibly unhappy, possibly even depressed if you were to succeed in keeping them away from each other. I'm not saying you can't punish them. By all mean, impose restrictions, ground them. But try talking to them about why you're upset. Now, if you don't mind, I really do have to get back to Gotham." With that, Bruce sweeps from the room. When he enters the room where the teenagers are waiting, he nods to Tim.
"Come, we have to get back to Gotham." Tim nods miserably and follows him to the Batmobile. Bruce waits until they are both in the vehicle and headed back to Gotham. "You know," he says, "you're incredibly lucky Diana didn't think to use her lasso on me because I just spent the last hour lying through my teeth to them. Now how long has this been going on?"
(Also, Bruce doesn’t mention, Tim is now being permanently webcammed. Bruce hates not knowing things.)
genuine crack!fic,