Fic--Whither Thou Goest

Dec 21, 2010 12:42

Title: Whither Thou Goest
Fandom: Sherlock
Characters: Sherlock, John
Rating: PG
Warnings: Mentions of suicidal impulses, not graphic
Word Count: 1800-ish
Summary: Written for a prompt on the kinkmeme and originally posted there; full prompt under the cut because it's rather long.

Whither Thou Goest )

fic: sherlock (bbc), allfic

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Comments 14

scarlettgirl January 11 2011, 01:23:51 UTC
Wow. I don't read a lot of Sherlock fic but this intrigued me. I'm glad I jumped in! I can see this. You took a trope and lipped it on its head. Of course Sherlock would want to jump and of course John would want him not to but to have John, convincingly, bear the same crosses and darkness, is really what makes this story ring true.

Really good stuff.


mazarin221b May 29 2011, 21:02:46 UTC
Oh, very wrenching. But I can see it happening just like this. Well done.


bugeyedmonster May 30 2011, 04:46:56 UTC
Lovely fic.


shefa May 30 2011, 14:42:56 UTC
Wow. This is so powerful and powerfully written. My heart aches for them but I'm also so relieved that they have found a way to articulate what binds them and keeps them both safe. Brava.


red_chapel May 30 2011, 17:30:57 UTC
Wow -- powerful stuff. The exchange was very nicely done.


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