Feb 24, 2009 16:22
Well, it's Shrove Tuesday today, and Ash Wednesday tomorrow, which is the start of the period of Lent in the Christian calendar. I thought it would be interesting to have a Lent-related ficathon, running right up until Easter! So, introducing...
The Treat Much Right Lent Ficathon 2009
This is a strictly-for-fun ficathon - no competitions, just a running prompt that I hope will inspire lots of Much-related fic!
1. Your fic can be of any length, or you can even write poetry if you like! You can post as many fics as you want to over the whole period.
2. Please post your fic as a separate post in this community, and use the tag 'Lent 2009'.
3. The ficathon closes at midnight on Saturday April 11th, just in time for Easter Sunday!
4. The theme is 'Lent', which is a Christian period of fasting (often interpreted as a period when you give something up or try to be good in some way, and referring to the period Jesus spent in the desert during which he was tempted by Satan). Also, your fic should be in some way Much-centric, of course! Here are some possible prompts, but feel free to interpret the theme as broadly as you like:
- something set during Lent
- giving something up
- fasting or being hungry
- non-Christian reactions to Lent (e.g. it in some way parallels the Muslim feast of Ramadan)
- being tempted
Have fun with it! And don't forget... Treat Much Right!
lent 2009,