Chris Matthews is nice to whoever is in front of him. Don't get me wrong. Yes, he loves him some Giuliani, but not as much as he does Romney. But Thompson trumps all. If Matthews could (or any other conservative), he would dig up Reagan's corpse and try to revive him.
On top of that, I believe without a shadow of a doubt, he HATES women. At least, powerful ones. Watch the show, EVERY little political event covered on Hardball will eventually lead to Hillary Clinton. Matthews will make sure of it. Case in point, the trouble in Iran. Matthews: "If we go to war with Iran, will Sen. Clinton be the first one saluting the flag?"
He will do anything in his power to stop the Clinton Express.
The only thing I like about Hardball is David Shuster.
I like Al Gore and Hillary Clinton. Both of them would get my vote. Did you watch the Live Earth concerts this past week? Al Gore was there educating people about the scientific FACT of global warming. Beastie Boys, Madonna, Metallica, Ludacris, Alicia Keys, Joss Stone and more were there. The concerts were held in London, NY, Sydney, Japan, and I think a few other countries. They even had five scientists play music in Antarctica. It was pretty cool, pun intended.
Comments 7
On top of that, I believe without a shadow of a doubt, he HATES women. At least, powerful ones. Watch the show, EVERY little political event covered on Hardball will eventually lead to Hillary Clinton. Matthews will make sure of it. Case in point, the trouble in Iran. Matthews: "If we go to war with Iran, will Sen. Clinton be the first one saluting the flag?"
He will do anything in his power to stop the Clinton Express.
The only thing I like about Hardball is David Shuster.
Yes, I am feeling presidential today. Oh, wait, that's just my strap-on.
Who do you like so far in this election? Anyone?
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