Having posted my To Do list for the weekend really helped me actually get everything done. So, I'm posting another list, this time for the whole week. Listing some things by the day they have to be done on/by and then a general, fit where they can list.
Take clothes in laundry room upstairs & put away
Take out trash & recycling
Call Dr's office re: refund - they are mailing the check today!
Lotto tickets
Cook chicken helper (Actually done on Monday)
Laundry - regular clothes (done on Tuesday)
D/L Previews order form and do order
Dream Dinners session
Lotto tickets
Laundry - Work clothes
Balance checkbook and pay last of February bills (Done Thurs because I woke up early & got ready for work fast!)
Laundry - towels
Laundry - undergarments (done Friday)
Comic Shop - pick-up books, pay for order, buy 2-3 short drawer boxes, pay for Watchmen ticket
Meet J & E (lunch?)
Drop off donations for Knit for the Cure
Load of dishes
Soak oats for oatmeal (done Friday because I want Oatmeal for breakfast tomorrow!)
Laundry - Bedding/change sheets on bed
Update 'Not Received' prepaid comics list and email comic shop
Cook oatmeal(done Saturday)
Prep lunches for the week
Knitting Group - skipped this because I needed the time to work on the laundry room & also no notice was sent out, so I'm not sure it even met today.
Exercise 5 days this week
Move mJ's clothes off of dryer
Clean cabinets above washer and dryer
Trim finger nails
Clean off dryer
Clean off wall behind washer and dryer
Vacuum behind washer and dryer