It's longer than I wanted and not as short at the back as I had wanted either. But the stylist said that because my hair is so thin and so fine that it would look nicer with body and length and a side parting. It feels sort of "too normal" for me, but here's the photos. Tell me honestly if you think it looks okay....
The front. Obviously. Can't see it very clearly on this picture but you get the idea...
My collar on my shirt is all ruffled which irritates me looking at this, but here's the back view. I love the colour of my hair at the mo, even if it is just "accidental, like" (been watching Forrest Gump again), but the stylist said it would look nice with strips of colour in it too and tried to persuade me to go back and get it done. It's at the college so it wouldn't cost me a huge amount to get that done.
One more of the back..I can't stand to post another one of my face.
Honest opinions now, folks.;P Personally I think that the bottom of my hair - the undercut - needs tidying up a bit and the front could be a little bit shorter. But overall I am not unhappy with the cut.