Guardian is reporting that the BBC is facing what is effectively a 15% cut in budget in tomorrow's spending revue.
It is obvious who will benefit the most from this, a certain R. Murdoch.
Act now,
lobby your MP.
My message is below the cut.
Dear Anna Soubry MP
I have heard that the Government is planning to require the BBC to pay for the free licences for the over-75s. This is equivalent to £556m per year.
Rather than cutting spending and ruining highly effective public organisations, please consider these other ideas of raising money:
* Investigating the £300 million the Government's efficiency expert Philip Green avoided paying last year.
* Clamping down on non-dom's like Lord Ashcroft.
* Tightening tax laws on companies like Newscorp that accumulated pre-tax profits of nearly £1.4bn over the last 11 years and yet never paid a penny in tax.
We don't need tax raises or spending cuts to balance the budget, we just need to ensure everyone pays their taxes.
Chris Tregenza