Aug 16, 2011 21:20
Are we missing your post, your community, or your journal? Leave us a note in the comments, or email us at, and we'll add you to the reading list. Please check our posting guidelines before requesting that we add a link. Please be advised that if you have no visible headers in your posts and/or only a cut, it is likely that your post will not be included in the newsletter. Challenges: great_tales opens Challenge 008 .startrekbigbang explains how to submit your rough draft .old_blueeyes hosts the Second Annual Sulu Off . Communities:mer_ficathon is a multifannish merfolk!AU ficathon. Discussions/Meta: All About Xon by t_laina . Fandom:igrockspock with 2 fic recs . (TNG, XI)awarrington lists changes to the Kirk/Spock Delicious Project .trekchic shares video of Patrick Stewart at Chicago Comic Con 2011 . Fan Fic: Gen - Completed The Definition of Loyalty by kcscribbler (Kirk, Amanda, Spock; K; TOS) As a Result of the Oxygen Deprivation by swiss_kun (Kirk, Spock, McCoy; Not Rated; TOS) Slash - WIPs Camouflage (1/3) by crowdog66 (Garak/Bashir, OMC; R; DS9) Slash - Completed After the Beep by gadgetorious (Kirk/McCoy; PG-13; XI) Home by caitri (Kirk/McCoy; G; XI) Het - WIPs Twenty-four Hundred (3/?) by classroomnotes (Spock/Uhura, ensemble; PG-13; XI) Het - Completed In Fault by leanstein (McCoy/Chapel; PG-13; XI) Other - Completed Out of Many, One by hollow_echos (McCoy/Uhura, Jim/Spock; PG-13; XI) Thursday's Child by silver_sandals (Uhura/Chapel, Uhura/Gaila, Uhura/Spock/Kirk; PG-13; TOS, XI) Icons/Graphics:rahelcs with 10 icons . (TOS) Send your fandom news to Trek News !