Challenge: AU! Characterization Challenge
Title: beneath the winter snow and like a distant star (working titles)
echoinautumnRating: PG
Series: ST: XI
Characters/Pairings: Hikaru Sulu, Pavel Chekov (pre-slash)
Summary: Life goes on, even in the darkest, coldest days of the year.
Notes: Two pieces, both rated PG, set in what was supposed to be an AU
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Comments 7
And I definitely had fun writing about being so cold when it's disgustingly hot where I am. XD I ended up taking refuge in a cafe with overdone A/C, which sort of helped set the mood.
I think these two are going to end up being backstory for actual plotted fic (with Scotty and Kirk and Gaila and Bones and Uhura and the whole crew chilling out and being brilliant), but I'm looking forward to cleaning them up for it! :D
Since I'm turning this into a series, and I've been to Boston all of like... twice in my life. Can I run things past you from time to time to make sure I'm not screwing it all up? 6street is awesome about giving me information about some of it, but she's out of the country and I feel awful harassing her all the time. D:
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