What is Trek RPF News?2.
What do you include?3.
How do I get included? Or how do I submit something?4.
What won't you include?5.
Will you include something I posted on another journaling service, e.g. Dreamwidth, JournalFen, etc.? Will you watch my journal/community at those sites?6.
What about spoilers?7.
How often is the newsletter posted?8.
Can I help?9.
Want to be affiliates?10.
May I offer a suggestion? What is Trek RPF News?
Trek RPF News is a Star Trek fandom newsletter focused specifically on the RPF side of fandom. RPF, or
Real Person Fiction*, typically refers to fan fiction, but when we say "RPF fandom," we mean anything related to the actors. Icons of the actors, interviews with the actors, and so on are just as welcome as fan fiction about the actors!
Actors from all generations of Star Trek will be included, though you may notice a significant slant towards
Star Trek: XI actors, given the recent release of the movie and fandom interest in the actors.
*You might more commonly see RPS, or Real Person Slash, which is RPF focused on m/m (male/male) pairings. RPF is a more inclusive term in that it can apply to any type of pairing or even gen.
What do you include?
We accept any of the following that involves or includes at least one actor from any generation of Star Trek:
- Fan-Created Works
- fan fiction (header must include, at minimum, a title, pairing and/or characters, and a rating)
- fanart (if applicable, must include pairing and/or characters and a rating)
- icons
- music videos (header must include, at minimum, a title, pairing and/or characters, and a rating)
- meta or discussion posts
- picspams
- announcements for relevant new communities, challenges, ficathons, and the like
- rec posts for any of the above
- misc. requests (e.g. fic searches or interview searches)
- Media and General Information
- news (e.g. interviews, upcoming events or films)
- blog posts, video diaries, etc. from one of the actors
- public trailers or clips for
- other media (e.g. photoshoots, other video clips)
Material of any rating will be accepted. Please note above that fan fiction and music videos (and fanart where applicable) cannot be listed without the appropriate information: a title (even if that title is "Untitled"), a listing for pairing(s) and/or characters, and a rating. If there is no pairing, it would be appreciated if the story is specifically noted as gen (general fan fiction) or character(s) in the story are listed. Rating should follow the standard
MPAA ratings conventions (G, PG, PG-13, R, or NC-17) or something similarly intuitive (e.g. Teen or Adult).
As for items that are not fan fiction, fanart, or music videos, if it is NSFW (Not Safe For Work, meaning it would not be prudent to view the material while at work/school), please label it as such.
How do I get included? Or how do I submit something?
Either of the following ways:
- Check the friended communities listed in the profile for trekrpfreader - crosspost/link your post to any of the many communities we read and we'll be sure to pick it up! If you'd like us to watch a specific community or your own journal, please leave us a comment requesting we do so on this post!
- If we missed your post (for whatever reason), comment to the most recent edition of the newsletter on trekrpfnews with a link to it. Please only do this if you posted before the newsletter went up - e.g., if you posted at 8:23 PM and we posted the newsletter at 8:14 PM, please don't comment. We'll get you the next night!
What won't you include?
Please note the following:
- Any material based solely on the characters the actor has played. An interview with the actor about one or more of his/her characters is fine; a piece of fan fiction about said character(s) is not.
- We don't read flocked and memberlocked posts in the reader; therefore, anything you post or crosspost under flock/memberlock will not be picked up by the newsletter.
- Material that does not contain appropriate headers/warnings (e.g., fan fiction or fan art without a rating listed will not be posted).
- Any posts which contains illegal copies of movies, tv shows, books, audiobooks, soundtracks, etc.
Will you include something I posted on another journaling service, e.g. Dreamwidth, JournalFen, etc.? Will you watch my journal/community at those sites?
Yes, absolutely! For the time being, we are not crossposting to any of those services, but we will include any material posted on them! Please just comment to the most recent edition of the newsletter with a link to the post you would like included in the next newsletter, and we'll include it, provided it meets the guidelines laid out in this F.A.Q.
If you'd like for your journal or community at another journaling service to be watched regularly, please drop a comment to this post requesting we do so, and we'll set up a feed for it.
What about spoilers?
Actors' interviews and such may often contain spoilers for their upcoming work. It would be appreciated if you include a note that the material contains spoilers for movies or television shows that have not yet aired or been released. This will become especially relevant when the next Star Trek movie goes into production!
How often is the newsletter posted?
For the time being, we post three times per week: Mondays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. If/when the content proves to be too much for three posts per week, we'll add more days.
Can I help?
Yes! We'd appreciate everything from potential editors to suggestions for new communities or journals we should be watching. At this time, we're actually looking for someone who's interested in being an editor (compiling the newsletter) for either Monday or Saturday nights. Please send
jamesinboots an
LJ message if you're interested in helping in any way.
All help is greatly appreciated! :)
Want to be affiliates?
Absolutely! Comment to this post with a link to your community, and we'll get back to you ASAP. :)
May I offer a suggestion?
Of course! Please drop it in a comment to this post. :)
Any questions, comments, suggestions, requests, etc. can be made in this post at any time. Anonymous comments will be screened initially. Alternatively, you may send
jamesinboots an
LJ message.