::circles console to check
lieutenantkim's readings one more time::
::sighs with restrained satisfaction...nothing worse, but nothing better either::
::moves to slap comm badge and open a channel to engineering, arresting gesture when turbolift doors open, revealing
ltcmdrtomparis and
Any updates?
Comments 34
Well, do you want the good news or the bad news first?
::cracks a thin smile at look of warning from Indian::
Guess I'll give you the good.
Vorik finally got the shields up. I'd say we give him a cookie, but...
::levels a look at the Captain, determined to get annoyance across...if he'd even entertain a more creative approach...::
Make them white, if you really want a chance.
::turns eyes to XO::
What about the inoculations?
They're about halfway through. Doc isn't sure about effectiveness, though...you remember the result with Kes after her exposure to the biotemporal chamber.
::reflexively turns head from annikahansen at unbidden lump in throat resulting from even brief thought of her predecessor::
Which actually introduces a whole new concern. We don't know how a slipstream jaunt would affect our telepaths...hell, anyone...after the shots.
::spends half a hysterical minute pondering how Freud would relate childbirth to the insane new slipstream drive, before doors open, forcing some semblance of rationality::
::jerks head in nod to passing crew, all but running to sickbay::
::looks around when doors open, heart settling a little from thumping once reassured everyone is in place...linnis_paris at her usual research table, son pacing a far corner with a fussy baby::
::takes in his look of profound annoyance and kes_ amused smile, turning::
::releases huff of own:::
Oh, honestly, Harry, you'd better be dying.
Don't jinx me.
::nods gratitude when kes_ pulls the Doctor away, granting a little privacy::
::ignores andrewkim's eyeroll from across room too, stepping closer to wife::
I just wanted to make sure...
::works on finishing off vial before giving him full attention, though::
I'm here. I'm too busy to be anywhere but here. Besides, someone has to keep them...
::nods to growing gaggle of fretting babies and antsy parents::
...in line.
If you really want to help, see if Naomi can be spared.
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