Ah, distractions from studying for finals...

Dec 13, 2006 20:38

* 3 Point Shot
* A night in with the girls
* Airing the orchid
* Applying lip gloss
* Applying nail polish remover
* Auditioning the finger puppets
* Automatic pilot
* Banging the box
* Bashing the gash
* Basting the tuna
* Basting your turkey
* Bathing the kitty
* Beating around the bush
* Beating the Beaver
* Brushing the beaver
* Brushing your afro
* Buffing the bead
* Buffing the Weasel
* Burying the knuckle
* Butterin' the muffin
* Buttering your bagel
* Carpet bumping
* Cat got tongue
* Checking for depth
* Checking for squirrels
* Checking for the jackpot
* Checking my oil
* Checking the foxhole
* Checking the muffler
* Checking the oil
* Checking the pulse
* Checking the status of the I/O port
* Circling the knoll
* Clam bake for one
* Cleaning between the camel's toes
* Cleaning my fur coat
* Cleaning the kitchen
* Cleaning your fingers
* Clit-o-Rama
* Clitters
* Coaxing the genie out of the magic lamp
* Coaxing the turtle out of her shell
* Coming into your own
* Copping a clam
* Creamin'
* Creamin' the pie
* Cunt cuddling
* Cunt rubbing
* Defrosting the freezer
* Dialing the rotary phone
* Diggin' the stench trench
* Digging a trench
* Digging for gold
* Digging for my keys
* Digging in
* Digging the cream
* Digitizing
* Dipping
* Dipping for ice cream
* Diving for pearls
* Diving for pennies
* Doing my nails
* Doing something for my chapped lips
* Doing the sweet slide
* Doing the two-finger slot rumba
* Doing the two-finger ballet
* Doing the two-finger salute
* Doing your nails
* Doodling the noodle
* Double knuckling
* Double-clicking your mouse
* Dousing the digits
* Draining your tuna
* Drilling for fish
* Drilling for oil
* Drinking from the fountain of youth (for us contortionists)
* Drinking from the furry cup
* Driving Ms. Daisy
* Dunking your doughnut
* Dusting the endtable
* Engaging in safe sex
* Entering the forest
* Entering the ring of fire
* Erasing the problem
* Excavating the Tunnel of Love
* Exploring the bush
* Fanning the fur
* Feeding the bearded clam
* Feeding the cat
* Feeding the pony
* Feeding your slot
* Feeling your funnel
* Fiddling the bean
* Filling the pink taco
* Filling your niche
* Finding yourself
* Finger bang
* Finger blasting
* Finger dipping
* Finger fucking
* Finger pie
* Finger-pole the hole
* Fingerbating
* Fingering
* Fingering something out
* Fingerpainting
* Finishing the job
* Fishing
* Fishing for cumpliments
* Fishing for mackerel
* Flash flood
* Flickin' the bean
* Flicking the switch
* Flicking the tic tac
* Flipping the light switch repeatedly
* Flitting your clit
* Flossing the cat
* Fluffing the kitty
* Fluffing the muff
* Frigging
* Fucking without complications
* Gagging my meat hole
* Gagging the clam
* Gagging the lips of love
* Genital manipulation
* Genital stimulation via phalangetic motion
* Getting a date with slick mittens
* Getting a lube job
* Getting a stain out of my carpet
* Getting a stinky pinky
* Getting mud for my turtle
* Getting the last pickle out of the jar
* Getting the little man in the boat to go fishing
* Getting to know Sticky Fingers the mobster
* Getting to know yourself
* Gilding the lily
* Going around the corner
* Going deep sea diving
* Going fishing
* Going mining
* Going solo
* Going to and from the Batcave
* Greasing your hips
* Gristle rub
* Groping the grotto
* Gusset typing
* Hand tossing the tuna salad
* Harpooning your tang
* Having a date with Martin Five-Fingers
* Having ladyfingers and cream
* Having sex with someone you love
* Hee-Haw with wrinkled Mee-Maw
* Hitchhiking South
* Hitchhiking to heaven
* Hitchhiking under the Big Top
* Hitting the slit
* Hitting the spot
* Honing the stone
* Hula-hooping
* Indoor fishing
* Itching the ditch
* Jabberwocking
* Jennying off
* Jiggling your jenny
* Jilling off
* JocelynEldering
* Jostling the Elder
* Juicing it up
* Juicing Lucy
* Killing off
* Letting your fingers do the walking
* Levy break limbo
* Licking my lips (for us contortionists)
* "Looking for Waldo & his dog (gee, spot, there you are!)"
* Makin' waves for the man-in-the-boat
* Making a mini Eiffel Tower
* Making kitty purr
* Making my lips swell
* Making soup
* Making the little man sing
* Making your own gravy
* Manual override
* Menage a moi
* Mistressbate
* Muffin buffin'
* Nail polish remover
* Nulling the void
* Nursing a hatchet wound
* Opening the bottom drawer
* Paddling the finger canoe
* Paddling the pink canoe
* Pampering the pussy
* Parting my meat curtain
* Parting the Red Sea
* Patting the panky
* Pearl fishing
* Peeling the peach
* Perusing the Yellow Pages
* Petting Snoopy
* Petting the kitty
* Petting the little man in the canoe
* Petting the petunia
* Petting the pussy
* Petting the pussy cat
* Petting your bunny
* Petting your kitty
* Playing couch hockey for one
* Playing on the cricket green
* Playing poker
* Playing solitaire
* Playing the banjo
* Playing the beaver
* Playing the box
* Playing the clitar
* Playing the hairy guitar
* Playing the little Dutch boy
* Playing the silent trombone
* Playing the slots
* Playing with the man in the boat
* Playing with your pineapple
* Pluggin the leak
* Plunging the drain
* Plunging the happy hole
* Pokin' the pucker
* Poking the pudding
* Polishing the nugget
* Polishing the peanut
* Polishing the wedding ring
* Polishing your pearl
* Preheating the oven
* Priming the pump
* "Producing whore moans (hormones, get it? ;^)"
* Pushing the button
* Pussy poking
* Pussy soccer
* Putting out the fire
* Putting the dot in .org
* Reading braille
* Reading the map of Tazmania
* Ride the glide until the tide
* Riding the bed post
* Riding the cotton pony
* Riding the unicycle
* Riding the waterslide
* Riding your own mule down Grand Canyon
* Ringing your bell
* Rocking the boat
* Rollin the ol' bean
* Rolling the dough
* Rolling the marble
* Romancing thy own
* Rubbin Hood
* Rubbin' the nubbin
* Rubbing the donut
* Rubbing the red pussycat
* Rubbing the stub
* Salting the beef curtains
* Scoring the hoop
* Scraping the cheese off the taco
* Scratching the patch
* Scratching where it itches
* "Searching for Ms. ""G"""
* Seasoning your fish
* Secret vice
* Sending Muffin Morse Code
* Sexercising
* Shaking hands with Mr. Paul
* Shaking the dew off the lily
* Shebopping
* Shining the diamond
* Shooting hoops
* Shooting the rapids
* Shucking the fresh water clam
* Shucking the oyster
* Slappin' the crack
* Slapping slit
* Slapping Susie
* Slapping the flap
* Slapping the mackerel
* Slapping the meat curtain
* Slapping the skunk guts
* Slicing pie
* Sliding down the chute
* Sliding into home
* Slob the knob
* Snatching
* Soaking in Palmolive
* Soaking the whisker biscuit
* Softening the peach
* Spanking the spot
* Spanking your puppy on the nose
* Spearing the bearded clam
* Spelunking
* Spelunking in the hairy caves
* Spelunking in the mystery cave
* Splashing in the sea
* Squeezing the peach
* Steaming the oyster
* Sticking my fingers into my own genitalia to the extent of an orgasm
* Stiffening my upper lip
* Stinky pinky
* Stirring it up
* Stirring the honey pot
* Stirring the pudding
* Stirring the sauce
* Stirring the soup
* Stoking the furnace
* Stroking the box
* Strumming
* Strumming the banjo
* Strumming the big open C
* Surfing the channel
* Surfing the Slippery Sea
* Surfing the web
* Sweeping the chimney
* Swimming in the crimson lake
* Swimming in the Pu-Tang River
* Swimming in the Red Sea
* Takin' it to tuna town
* Taking a dip
* Taking a dip in the lake
* Taking advantage of yourself
* Taking the German u-boat into port
* Tapping the tuna
* Teasing the kitty
* Teasing the little man in the canoe
* Teasing the tuna
* Teasing the tuna taco
* Tending your own garden
* Testing the plumbing
* Testing your waters
* The disappearing finger trick
* The girly gusher
* The magical disappearing finger trick
* The ole feel n' squeal
* The other monthly visitor
* The two-fingered tango
* The virgin's release
* Tickling the kitty
* Tickling the pearl
* Tickling the taco
* Tickling your fancy
* Tiptoe through the TwoLips
* Toggling the bit
* Tossing the pink salad
* Touching your tigeress
* Touching your tuna
* Touring Tasmania (triangular shaped Australian island)
* Tracing the vertical smile
* Trolling the Bermuda Triangle
* Twiddling your twat
* Twinkling the little star
* Twirlin' the pearl
* Two-finger taco tango
* Two-finger typing
* Unclogging the drain
* Visiting Niagra Falls
* Visiting with Father Thumb and his four sons
* Visiting your safety deposit box
* Wading in the Bermuda Triangle
* Walking Downtown
* Washing my hands
* Washing your fingers
* Waxing the canoe
* Waxing the milk duds
* Weaving the carpet
* Whipping your cream
* Whipping your nest
* White knuckling
* Working in the garden
* Working out at the Y
* Wrinkling fingers
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