Hello, and welcome to Tremere Unliving. Please feel free to ask any questions regarding Thaumaturgy, Rituals, or any of my interests and the Dark Lord will get back to you as soon as possible.
Re: I got a question....tremereunlivingJanuary 27 2004, 23:01:29 UTC
My poor, sad, devoted one...Are we Toreador? Do brightly colored little presents make our hearts swell? Or are we Ventrue looking for another status bauble to cast aside on last years pile of "who sent me this crap?". No, we are Tremere, and as such we have little need for attachments to our sires, trust me. You only have the council of 7 to love and we will love you back.
My Sire is an Idiot, Help me!!!publix120January 29 2004, 18:17:55 UTC
My sire is an idiot!
He constantly shows up late to his meeting and is always unorganized! I have to remind him who is who in our kindred society and make sure he shows proper respect. Being his childe is a full time job! What should I do?
Re: My Sire is an Idiot, Help me!!!tremereunlivingJanuary 30 2004, 21:53:35 UTC
Yes, my child...
First, I wonder what backwater chantry you are hailing from...It is still unheard of for a sire to keep his childer once the embrace has been complete. I must learn more of your sire at once and send for him. I have use for him in Vienna.
Re: A Simple QuestiontremereunlivingJanuary 30 2004, 22:00:13 UTC
Oh Bob the Thrid, how I despair...have you been consorting with the Malkavians? This is most unwise and again I despair...Are the Americas littered with sires that can't be bothered to relinquish their childer correctly?
Regarding liquor, I do have an amusing anecdote...An elder of the Ravnos clan once owed me a favor which I pulled during one of the Malkavians more rabid pranking sprees. Seems they believed the story of the "Tremere Antedeluvian laying around in a worm-like state in his coffin". So, I had an act of Permanency cast and allowed the chantry's security to be lax one fine night. I've been told that the Malkavians now have in their possession a really large worm in a giant bottle of Tequila.
A Little Problempublix120March 3 2004, 18:52:55 UTC
A group of us neonates gather around to have a seance one night to initiate a new member into our club. Well, I must have said Thou instead of Thee or vice versa and next thing I know there's a portal to the ninth circle of hell on the wall! I've cleverly hidden this gateway with potted plants and furniture as a temporary fix. My sire almost found out the other day, but I quickly resolve the problem by placing a picture frame over the vortex and convincing him that I was watching the National Republican Convention on a flat-panel TV. How should I break the news to my sire?
Re: A Little ProblemtremereunlivingMarch 6 2004, 17:21:30 UTC
Oh how it has been forever since i committed a faux pas. First, remember that one must not consort with the demons, no matter how honeyed their promises may be. But since the portal is there, why not make some good use of it? Clear out the room, blame it on some grieviously bad experiment. Next find a way of making an opening from that room into the cities sewer system (bureaucratic contacts may be needed and for this is insist that just as many should be used to keep this on the hush hush). Finally, once the portal down is made, make the other portal more accessible. Perhaps as an office door or labelled in Latin as a secret library. Lastly, seal off the main door to that room in a way that will make it impenetrable. Now that we're done, we've found a nice way to make use of this gate's unfortunate appearance. And in doing so, you may also take credit for cleaning up some of the Nosferatu vermin in you city. You'll be the toast at the next party. And that's a good thing.
Comments 24
Today's Posting Experiment....Failed!
He constantly shows up late to his meeting and is always unorganized! I have to remind him who is who in our kindred society and make sure he shows proper respect. Being his childe is a full time job! What should I do?
Today's Posting Experiment.......Undetermined.
First, I wonder what backwater chantry you are hailing from...It is still unheard of for a sire to keep his childer once the embrace has been complete. I must learn more of your sire at once and send for him. I have use for him in Vienna.
The one, the only Tremere
-Bob the Third
Today's Posting Experiment....Pass with Flying Colors!
Regarding liquor, I do have an amusing anecdote...An elder of the Ravnos clan once owed me a favor which I pulled during one of the Malkavians more rabid pranking sprees. Seems they believed the story of the "Tremere Antedeluvian laying around in a worm-like state in his coffin". So, I had an act of Permanency cast and allowed the chantry's security to be lax one fine night. I've been told that the Malkavians now have in their possession a really large worm in a giant bottle of Tequila.
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