What with the iPhone and the iPod Touch becoming available in Israel, a whole bunch of applications that are useful to Israelis have recently shown up in the app store.
I haven't used all of these, so I can't vouch for most of them, but here's an incomplete listing of apps that Israelis might find useful:
Israel Discount Bank ltd.Free
If you have a bank account with Discount Bank (בנק דיסקונט), you can check your balance, recent transactions, etc.
BankHapoalim MVFree
If you have a bank account with Hapoalim Bank (בנק הפועלים), you can check your balance, recent transactions, etc.
If you have a bank account with Leumi Bank (בנק לאומי), you can check your balance, recent transactions, etc.
The app for
zap, one of Israel's most popular price comparison shopping sites.
This app isn't affiliated with Egged, but it's a useful unofficial map of bus lines, including information on times, etc.
NOTE: You need OS 3.1 or later in order to get this app.
Jerubus LiteFree
The free version of the Jerubus app. I haven't used the paid version, so I don't know what the difference is.
NOTE: You need OS 3.1 or later in order to get this app.
Israel Train Schedule$1.99
I haven't used it, but I assume it has information on train times and routes.
Israel Radio$1.99
You can listen to a whole bunch of Israeli radio stations with this app. I assume that it can be used anywhere in the world, but I don't know this for sure.
Israel Radio liteFree
Like the regular Israel Radio app, but with only three stations (Galei Zahal, Arutz 7 and Aleph Moreshet).
Golden Pages IsraelFree
An app version of the Dapei Zahav (דפי זהב) website, where you can look up business listings.
חדשות 2Free
Channel 2 news.
NOTE: You need OS 3.1 or later in order to get this app.
one is a sports website?
Check times for flights leaving and entering Ben Gurion International Airport.
Walla! is the Israeli version of Yahoo!. This app gives you a few of its functions.