Oogby found me a link to doing some socket programming after watching fail to implement the MFC version. I've plugged, I've chugged, and I got a successful transmission from one program to another. Today's plan was to figure out what I'm doing an encapsulate it, but the link has changed, and no longer has the information that I was ignoring
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Comments 6
How much of that information will actually be useful if you're not using MSVC will be another question.
I looked that the example the last time I banged my head on sockets. That it takes 14 files to get their sample code to run is a minus to me. What I'm using now is 100 lines in one file, and it can be the server or the client, chosen at run-time. Oogby has made his point again that purhaps I should stay as far from MSDN and MFC as I can.
One-way communication only, but it illustrates the point.
I found the executable, so I will be able to distribute it after all. It's just in a really unintuitive place, and Window's Find can't find it.
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