This is being posted here for two reasons. One, I'm on my blackberry, so I don't want to sign out. Two, I don't want to whine about wanting to rp characters on my personal journal, when, let's be honest, I want to play too many characters.
I'm waiting for Steve, but I am going to play him. It will just take a minute or two is all. I need to have all of reborn to app him properly.
The real issue, though, is I want to play the Joker, but I'm not really in a good position to. I could play him at TSW, and I think I could play him well, but do I have the time? I'd be offing npcs regularly, being hyperactive, doing crazy shit, and I'd love it. I have the voice in my head for it too. Perfectly Mark Hamill's Joker too, with a little Nolan verse for the noir. But I shouldn't app him. Because he deserves, as a character, the time and devotion that playing Connie usually steals.
But I want to play a mover and a shaker. I want to make trouble and stir up shit in RP. I want to be evil and ridiculous. Lol, I guess I just want attention for the sort of stuff I like writing out. And not because its being done to X character either, but because it's my character doing it.
Emo over. Back to work.