In the order they appear on the Taken Character's Page:
Miles Edgeworth (
mentis_reae ): In spite of the teasing, and the fact that Edgeworth is the only person that Constantine has actually fought with over the journals, John kind of sort of sees Edgeworth as a friend. This may be because he rarely, if ever, takes anything Edgeworth says seriously. It's the fact that he finds Edgeworth amusing that makes him even remotely patient with the lawyer. He still finds him a stuck up, emotionally stunted brat, and wishes Edgeworth would stop being so obnoxiously goody-two-shoes. But honestly? If Edgeworth wasn't all black/white, it would make the cynic a little more cynical about things.
Iroh (
paishofosho ): The friendly neighborhood tea shop owner. John likes him quite a bit, finding him good company when John feels like a slow morning. Comraderie with Iroh has led John to become reluctantly attached to the old man's nephew, Zuko
Zuko (
vsrsbsns ): Zuko is a stubborn, bratty kid whose pride in himself John secretly admires a bit; he didn't have that pride at that age. He started trying to watch out for Zuko for Iroh's sake. However, he has grown to enjoy the boy's sporadic and grumpy company, and offers the kid a couch whenever he needs it.
Harlock (
beforearcadia ): Hilarious guy. They've only actually met once, but it was worth it for the performance this guy put on. John wants to encourage the overdramatics for as long as possible. Or at least until it gets old.
Haydee (
monte_countess ): Lovely woman, with a lot of class. John wants to have a bit of fun with her, but he can smell loyalty a mile away. He knows he's probably not going to get anywhere with her. This, for some reason, makes it more okay for him to try and flirt. His logic doesn't come from his brain.
Nygma (
enigmaestro ): Bastard. Clever Bastard, but a bastard nonetheless. John occasionally enjoys the roundabout method of conversation Nygma uses, but mainly wishes that he could throttle him. And by enjoys, I mean loathe with a passion.
Yuffie (
wutaian_rose ): This runt has been attached to John for a little while now. As far as he remembers, he's been watching out for her on and off for about five years now. When she needs a place to stay, he doesn't kick her out. When she needs to sell stuff, he's got no problem fencing it for her. He's an almost father figure to her, but don't tell him that.
Madam Red/Angelina (
madam_ripper ): They've only spoken/met a short time, but she's friendly and charming and a lovely lady. And John has a soft spot for lovely ladies.
Vanessa (
cecaeliaphilia ): The newest attention grabbing lady that John speaks to. He likes the back and forth coy/hard to get game she plays, and he admires her quick wit. There are few things sexier than a bitch, frankly. And she IS attractive.
Stark (
noironman ): Great partier, great drinker, great host. John enjoyed the couple of times he got to hang out with Tony, and hopes to do so in the future. After all, rich friends are great. Rich friends who you actually like are a diamond in the rough.
Osborn (
sideshowboss ): There is no one in the game that Constantine hates more. He's aware this doesn't make him special, but still, he holds his hate very dear to his heart. Part of the problem, though, is that Constantine is a gambling/adrenaline/trouble addict, and Osborn can fulfill all those vices quite nicely. So Constantine is going to keep being a little sweetheart to him. Sort of.