[Character IC Information]
Character Name and Series: Takano Miyo // Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni
Name in Role Play: Miyo Takano (Basically switching it around to make it in Western order.)
Race/Ethnicity: Human/Japanese
Age: 27
Gender: Female
Appearance: Miyo looks good and she knows it. In fact, she uses this to her advantage from time to time. She has long, natural blond hair that is quite uncommon for a Japanese woman. Her bangs are parted mostly to the sides of her face, with one, thick strand coming down across her forehead and the top of her nose. Her golden eyes are usually half closed, giving her a sultry or droopy look depending on how you at it.
Normal attire for Miyo consists of her nurse uniform. It’s about the same as any average nurse uniform, though perhaps a little on the short side. Off work she will often dress in common Allupato attire, finding that it helps her to blend into the crowd in a way her Japanese heritage does not. On days when she doesn’t want to deal with all of that, she wears simple attire consisting of black dress pants and a pink shirt with a green jacket thrown over it.
One thing that is never absent from her casual attire is a green ribbon that winds around her neck and is pinned at her chest.
Personality: On the surface, Takano seems like a kind enough woman. She’s caring enough to her normal patients at the clinic. But suddenly that smile, that sneer, will appear and you realize there’s something off about her. If you’re (un)lucky enough to hear her laugh, then that really just confirms it.
In reality, Miyo is cold, manipulative, and at times downright cruel. She’ll use anything to her advantage, even people. She really doesn’t care much about others at all. If she needs to use someone, perhaps even kill that person, in order to advance her goals then so be it. It’s a negligible loss. The completion of her grandfather’s research takes a greater importance than anything or anyone. It is perhaps even more important than herself, since she has completely lost her sense of self in pursuit of the realization of this research.
Because she is so intent on her goals, she’s liable to go a little crazy should anything get in her way. She will not allow anything to stop her, even if she has to resort to unorthodox methods.
Abilities/Weaponry: She’s manipulative as hell. If someone has information she wants she’ll do all she can to get it out of them, whether by simple verbal manipulation, or even going as far as to black mail and extortion.
She is also in charge of a fairly powerful group called the Yamainu, which is basically a private mercenary group. Its members are currently scattered over the city.
She also usually carries some kind of weapon concealed on her body, at least when she’s out on the street. One can never be too careful, after all. She’s had some good training with it, so she could probably pick off some weak weres, humans, and the like. She’s no hunter though.
Weaknesses: Since relocating to Italy, the Yamainu isn’t as vast in number as perhaps it could be in Japan, so Miyo’s resources are somewhat limited. The group can also be hard to assemble sometimes, as Miyo wishes to keep a somewhat low profile with Chrysalis roaming about. On that note, the Yamainu are no where near as strong as Chrysalis so they have no intention of getting into an all out fight with them.
Miyo can also be a little over-zealous in her plans, and if things aren’t going her way she tends to get sloppy, leaving herself dangerously open.
History: Miyo Takano was born Miyoko Tanashi to a couple of good, loving parents in Japan. Up until around the age of ten, her life was normal and happy. Her days were spent in happiness, collecting the little flags of the world her parents gave her with her dinner. It was the perfect world for a little girl to grow up in and Miyoko was content.
However, this contentment wasn’t to last long. During a bus ride the driver suffered a heart attack and the bus went out of control. Miyoko’s parents were badly injured during the crash, her mother presumably having died at the scene and her father in critical condition. Fearing that he would not survive, he quickly tried to tell a frantic Miyoko that she had no grandparents or other relatives to take care of her, and that she should seek out Doctor Hifumi Takano, his teacher. As her father is taken onto the ambulance, Miyoko is left behind with only a name to lead her into the future.
As could be predicted, Miyoko’s father passed on. Miyoko is sent to a social counselor to sort out where she should go now. She tells him exactly what her father told her: that she has no other living relatives and that her father told her to find a Hifumi Takano. But since he is of no relation to Miyoko, she is sent to an orphanage.
When Miyoko arrives at the orphanage, an attendant greets her kindly. However, as soon as the car drives away the man reverts back to his stern manner, dragging Miyoko into the building. Thus begins her days of torture.
The orphanage was the type of place parents tell their children about to keep them from misbehaving. The children there were constantly whipped and beaten for the smallest of mistakes and Miyoko feared for her life daily.
One night, Miyoko and her fellow orphans decide that they can’t take it anymore. Stories were told of a good orphanage, where the children consider the caretaker to be like their mother. They had heard of another group that had escaped, however, one of the children was recaptured. They knew then that the only way they too would be able to escape was to work together and hope that they weren’t the one who got caught.
So in the middle of the night the children got a hold of the key and attempted to escape. But as they were working with the lock on the door the caretakers of the orphanage awoke and started to pursue them. The door finally burst open and Miyoko and the other children ran out into the night.
They were all quickly separated and Miyoko ran off into the woods, pursuers quick on her heels. At one point she was even captured and bit off her captor’s finger in an attempt to get away.
Running again, Miyoko took refuge under a tree for a short time. It was raining heavily and lightening flashed all around her. She screamed for God to just kill her, but instead a bolt of lightening hit the tree right behind her. Since she won her “bet” with God, she pleaded for him to save her instead if He wouldn’t kill her.
Just then she heard her pursuers and once again fled. This time she takes refuge in a phone booth. Once inside she remembered the name her father gave her, Hifumi Takano. She tried calling him and when the phone finally picked up a short conversation ensued, ending with Miyoko’s plea for Hifumi to save her.
But the pursuers soon came back and Miyoko was caught and dragged back to the orphanage. She screamed and begged for their forgiveness but they didn’t listen to her, pulling her into a toilet stall to begin her torture. Just when she thought all hope was lost two men barge in and the torture was postponed.
The next morning Miyoko was led outside to meet Hifumi Takano, her new caretaker. In the car Hifumi told her his name and asked if he can call her Miyo. She quickly accepted this as her new name.
In a few months Miyo had already settled in her new life as she began to help her ‘grandfather,’ Hifumi, with his research. His life’s work had been spent researching what he believed was a virus that caused such things as vampirism and wereism, or the host of other supernatural afflictions. Miyo quickly became engaged in his research and helped him in any way she could.
When the first draft of his report was ready, it was presented to a group of government officials. They scoffed at the idea as a bunch of rubbish. Vampires? Weres? These things couldn’t possibly exist in the first place so why was there any need to research a virus that supposedly caused it?
In one last showing of their disapproval for Hifumi’s work, they threw the report on the floor and crumpled it beneath their feet. But little Miyo threw herself at the feet of the government officials, trying to save her grandfather’s precious work. They threw her off and after a stern word left.
Miyo never forgot that moment, even long after her grandfather passed away. She inherited his work and his legacy, continuing his research as her own life’s work. When she brought his work again to the government officials she thought she had gained some ground as they showed signs of accepting her theories, but only a few months later she was kicked to the curb as they lost their need for her.
Devastated, her grandfather’s research having been rejected for the second time, Miyo didn’t know where to turn until a certain benefactor picked her back up. Miyo would be allowed to continue her research with gracious funds, wherever in the world she wished. As Miyo thought about where to base her research, the last meal flag her parents ever gave to her popped into her mind.
And so that was where she went, continuing her research with the help of her benefactor and the Yamainu, a mercenary group created to aid her. Miyo currently holds a cover job as a nurse at the local clinic.
[Fun fact: In the anime, the last flag that Takano receives (or at least the flag that is shown in the flashback) is indeed the Italian flag.]
Organization/Pack/Clan/Guild?: She’s working with her own little group.
Not about the Yamainu:The Yamainu were formed by Miyo's benefactor as a multi-purpose group to serve underher. They aren't there so much to help her in her research as to protect her project from any possible obstacles. So, they are there to keep her research running smoothly and with as little problems as possible, and also to be somewhat of her bodyguards. However, she's sort of modified them to become a sort of undercover intelligence group within the city, though she hasn't been able to find out much about what Chrysalis and the like are doing.
They're basically Miyo's little posse that she gets to do her dirty work. Their number would be limited in Allupato since Miyo doesn't want to call attention to herself with Chrysalis about (the two have seperate goals and Miyo doesn't want to be associated with Chrysalis anyway.)
[OOC Information]
Player's Name: Ann
AIM/email: delineatewitch // forgedmemories@yahoo.com