Jan 01, 2006 13:38

Well that was one fucking ace NYE. BEST EVER!!!!!

As usual, we are geex0rz so I will make a cast list before any attempt at chronicling events.

The usual suspects
trentgurl - I, Kyly, your hostess.
darkship - Joe, my husband, your host.
siyamau - Die, maker of ace brooches.
novan - Mark, bringer of the rad.
pherus - Christofuck, who's finally yak from Redditch!
turpentinekiss_ - Aisa, bringer of additional cleavage!
rockerstu - Stu, bringer of the poker.
Sam - Present at most parties involving fire, and bringer of green smoky goodness.
Chris - Present at a couple of previous parties chez Aisa, most famous for loudly agreeing with people while sounding like he's doing just the opposite.
Emily - Joe's colleague and our friend who doesn't drink and doesn't need to!
John - Emily's lovely goth boyfriend who doesn't say a great deal but is a thoroughly nice chap.

So during the daytime, Joe and I tidied and did crafty stuff, and the like. I ruined a pair of PVC trousers with my ass, and Die and Mark came over to exchange gifts for Christmas. They also gave us the Dresden Dolls DVD as a belated wedding gift, hooray! Joe got a really cool phrenology hand, while I got a freaking sweet Jack Daniels hipflask collection which includes a funnel, AND some JD which has delighted me. I need to find a reason to take it somewhere. Die also made me a hellacute key brooch with red and black beads on. MMmmmm red and black ANYTHING is good!

We sat and talked about medieval torture, looked at photos of surgery and so on, and various other horrifyingly scary things like teak and DIY. Joe showed Mark his Teisco synth, I burned Die a couple of CD's off, and it was a nice little visit.

When they went, I changed into that cute dress I adapted but OH it was really too short and once again I fear my ass may have made uninvited appearances. I have asked it repeatedly to apologise but it only reels off a riff of a fanfare in a most immodest way. So I apologise on behalf of my ass-ociate. Please don't give it a bum rap. /talking arse

Make up and such on later, I prepared dinner and Chris pherus came round to join us and watch a quantity of hardcore wrestling which made poor Emily squeamish when her and John arrived. John didn't look at all peturbed at the sight of Randy Orton's face as he landed in his lovely lycra pants (cos speedos are like totally HARDCORE) on ten thousand thumbtacks. It's like throwing a sleeping man into Arctic waters only with more blood. Comedy evil wrestling facials are ♥. Indeed, John looked most proud to have Emily hiding her face in his arm. Aisa, Stu and Chris turned up, bearing poker stuff and bringing up the rear of the people that we expected. Then Sam turned up, and hooray for that, cos he had WEED.

A few people joined in the poker, I think there was about five of us, and Emily, despite being new to it, took to it very well. That woman is good at aggressive-ish betting. Lots was drunk, compilations were listened to, and it seems John likes Dresden Dolls, hooray! I nearly died of jealousy when Aisa told me she'd been hanging out backstage with 80's Matchbox B-Line Disaster at Reading this year, and the Dolls were there, and OMG Aisa saw them changing and stuff. I need to hang with some celebrities. The only famous-people story I have is shaking Prince Andrew's hand and sitting in his helicopter.

Well, about ten to midnight arrived and so I ran about (my ickle black shoes aren't great for running about in the wet) getting fire-related stuff ready and dragged everyone out into the rain to watch. Midnight came, I breathed fire and in fine fucking style too, I mean fucking hell there were some amazing fireballs! Everyone seemed well impressed, and I think I'm getting better at it. I REALLY need a proper torch though. I wanna learn to swallow one day, but I don't trust the crap I've put together.

We set off fireworks, and cheered them, and opened champers, and went indoors and made a long and protracted effort at getting everyone kitted out with some bubbly, before an abortive attempt at singing 'Old Lang Syne', which Joe played on the piano. Some very drunken half-toasts were made, and then we all continued getting wasted. I partook of a lot of weed and drank continuously and yeah, I was hella-pashed, and felt rather ill at times. Aisa had to tell Chris not-pherus to not smoke any more weed as he was drinking too, and it rather disagrees with him to the point where there has been surreal violence in the past. Chris was disgusted with himself to learn of his past behaviour, and drank at twice the speed, eventually hauling himself off home when he was more or less unconscious. So, crisis averted, happily.

The poker game recommenced, although Aisa was a bit fed up, but I kept getting reasonably good hands so I matched her twice when she went all-in, and she ended up winning more money. It was a while after Stu went out that Aisa went out, and then it was just between me and Emily. Somehow (despite being, y'know, off my head), I fucking WON. Sweet! I smoked some more to celebrate, once I found Sam, that is.

There was a LOT of music talk last night, unsurprisingly given the company, I mean Joe and Pherus on their own can last for hours but with Sam, who's a DJ, other-Chris, who's really into Nick Cave and Leonard Cohen, etc, and Stu in the room, oh and John who plays guitar, so there was a fair amount of musical fun to be had. We had, at one point, a piano duet between Stu and Joe, and Joe vanished upstairs with Sam and Chris for quite a while to show off his new toys. I'm seriously happy that Joe likes his xmas present.

Aisa and Stu vanished not too long after Emily and John, who seemed desperate for a shag. The former two appeared to be in the mood for an argument. To be honest, it WAS about 5am. This left Joe, Sam, Chris and I. We listened to Moog Party Time at various speeds on the turntable until I finally cracked at around 6am and went to bed. Joe took me up, cuddled me until I passed out, returned downstairs for a bit, and came to bed finally at around 6.45am. Nearest I've ever come to an all-nighter, I reckon. Fucking awesome.

Sam left the two spliffs remaining as well, and they're rolled with menthol tobacco which tastes sooooo nice in a spliff. Mmmmmmm. So, er, Kat, fancy a smoke?

In Joe's news, his boss Cahla is moving hotels and has put him forward for the Sales Manager job so YAY JOE! He has sent texts to his ex, Charlotte, and also to Mike, who we de-friended earlier in the year, asking if they want to bury the hatchet. Charlotte I'm not bothered by, but I have no intention of ever resurrecting any form of relationship with Mike ever again. It's not worth the hassle. Even if Joe manages to get some form of civility there, I'm not interested. It never lasts.

As for me, I'm gonna finish this now and then sign up for my new LJ. I'll update on here when I've got it.

nye party

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