This list is approximately accurate up to page 15 of the THIRD Words post.
Max: 1,000 words
Max: 1,500 words
kawaiigami Max: 2,000 words
stepsolightly Max: 3,000 words
alley_skywalker ninamazing Max: 4,000 words
scarletbaldy Max: 5,000 words
almostinstinct starlingthefool lady_branwyn slob_child 3pirouette elliptic_eye Max: 8,000 words
rhye Max: 10,000 words
waterofthemoon furiosity imadra_blue maggiebloome tailoredshirt sekaigo b_c_draygon matchsticks_p : negotiable
ansera elanurel scoopchick lia_clarissima Max: 12,000 words
d_dangerlove Max: 15,000 words
crushedmidnight 51stcenturyfox taragel bewarethesmirk : per 10 people
annafugazzi : accepting top 10 bids
squashedrosie Max: 20,000 words
13chapters nightshadow_t2 magicletters tree00faery songbirdie_101 rose71 Max: 25,000 words
devilc tesserae_ Max: 30,000 words
tailoredshirt stalker_celly lelek Max: 50,000 words
sabaceanbabe vorpalblades dragojustine melayneseahawk neurotictealeaf silver_ariel songquake rhia_starsong technicolornina Max: 75,000 words
scoopchick : if bid reaches $25 USD
Max: 150,000 words Holy wordcount, Batman!!!11!!1!
karenhealey Max: 200,000 words *boggles*
post_script3 Unspecified
imaginarycircus frolicndetour iambickilometer newredshoes pogopartie sharpes_hussy aphephobia twivamp92 xela_fic midnight_malaga elderwitty : no limit
olympia_m sainfoin_fields secret_chord25 : no limit
leiascully fodian tsarcasm hihoplastic gwathhenation slashfairy nycscribbler : no limit
mischief5 lovehateapathy danaems sonicgirl2005 marauderraine gothicauthor obstinate_fate ivasen : no limit
mizanchan tomboy_typist cookiemom6067 : accepting top 5 bids
meyham_m2 sharpiesgal marilla82 minviendha touchthesoul : poetry offer
cherie_morte : $10 for permanent beta
musesinspire roleofobjects blood_red_alibi cursedinsanity quarterwhore celli_inkblots astraybucanneer olaf47 bluerosefairy soledadseraph : will beta for J2 big bang
bluelittlegirl shunnonbeliever : preferably Italian
lizzleness yoshi09 brumeux77 sansukumile placeofinsanity featherofeeling : french-picking
commodoreschick r_kimono nautika3 missmonkeh obsessed_psyco myystic holycloud : spanish-picking
fickle_goddess dawn_felagund allyundefined andhera alyce_angel aimaitrace daria234 hyperbolie ekaterinn liseuse sistergrimmel jade_sabre_301 unlurkster saavikam77 fanged_angel aurilly xxcassxcullenxx