upperclassheart style
Me... normally?
M.A.C. Girly. Love her.
All done. "Is Elizabeth wearing make-up?!"
Les cheveux.
All dressed... in the non-cute borrowed long dress. Le sigh.
Jasmine's house. So. Intense.
This is my friend Kelly. She's basically validictorian. I can't even spell that. And she's sort of gorgeous. She didn't like her date so I stole her for myself. Suckaa.
Moi, Kelly, et Billie. Billie's a cutie asian and has a designer short dress like Kelly. Get out of my life you two.
Sorry this is like parental papz. Lot's of me, sort of boring...
Are you seeing the stairs? "Don't kill yourself!" I didn't really know this group this well. Except Kelly my date and Billie. And Jasmine, the hottie latina in red. And Jon (pronounced YAWN) from Czech Repub, not pictured, bien sur.
Must I? Vomit? Oui. The coughblahdon'tlookhummercoughgagaga limo. Soooo obnoxious.
All in all, I had a blasty blast. Prom committee was amazing and put together a grrraaannnd night. I didn't really start having true fun until I started dancing. Alli, Mallory, and Alyssa. Je t'aime.