Because I wanna be just like Lisa

Oct 17, 2004 13:31

I think it might be fun... plus when you feel good, you should make other people feel good.

Post your name as a comment, and I will give you an honest, candid response as to how I really think and feel about you. Then post this in your own journal.

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Comments 15

xxverucaaxx October 17 2004, 10:42:42 UTC
Wild Kate, as I'm known up here ;D


KT JO GLOVER tresmaritimus2 October 17 2004, 11:36:08 UTC
AHHHH To think back to senior year and how it all began... Kate walked into my ecology class, with her long blond swinging ponytail and I immediately recognized her as the 'skank that stole my homecoming date!'. Granted we had been in the class for two months, but she sat in the back, and she was SOOO an underclassman. Months went by of her mouthing off to Auger, and I was like she may just not fast forward to the spring, and there she is ponytail swinging and loud laugh heading up to take that class with me at BC... Unfortuately for Auger, Glover and I had a lot in common... obnoxious with loud laughs, and an assload of sarcasm. Kate was cool as shit. Then of course I had to totally bring up Ryan and homecoming and she was like dude I thought you were his girlfriend... OK so apparently KT and I were both not on our game that evening... its ok! Before long KT and I were BC buddies, she was in love with Keith and I was in love with the college. We talked about everything, annoyed Auger for hours on end. I'm lucky and grateful ( ... )


goddesspsyche October 17 2004, 11:30:19 UTC
Lisa...which you knew cause you stole from me...damn klepto


Lisa, el presidente tresmaritimus2 October 17 2004, 14:13:11 UTC
I first hung out with Lisa at a TKE Halloween party... which we both thought sucked, funny how that line of reasoning became somewhat lost on me. Lisa was the UNA girl, the girl who would one day weild power and show you exactly how it should be used, she was to be el presidente!!!! HAHA, I moved to Florida and found myself lacking yankee-ness... and there was Lisa in all her crossbred Boston New Yorkness... I'll say the NY part is the hiding part of her personality, especially because the yankees just beat the sox...again. Lisa and I instantly clicked, probably because we were 'bitches' not really we just tell what to do, how to do it, and kick your ass if you can't get it done. In one word efficiency. Lisa and I bonded over a few different bumps in the road, KyIDA and NYC and ATL... WAIT IS HE GAY!!!!! I think Lauren would be best suited to answer that question... like you said nothing about that trip will be unfunny. Especially me piss-drunk on 6th avenue, in the lobby, in the elevator, falling down the hallway, or just being ( ... )


cherrybombgc October 17 2004, 14:52:55 UTC
Jenni the Jew!


Jenni the Jew! tresmaritimus2 October 17 2004, 15:51:53 UTC
Where to start with Jenn... oh man, there's just so much. Jenn my birthday buddy, my jewish latin class friend. You were the first friend I made when I transfered from 'jew academy' to the High School, a coincidence that you were jewish...I THINK NOT!!! haha. Man I can't believe I've know you for five years, my god. I can't think of anything we haven't done together... so much of my high school years are with you, and even my college years. From boys, to booze, to cruising late at night. Smoking at the beach, and philosphizing on life, though truth be told, I don't think we really know anything. I come to you with my greatest truimphs and my crushing defeats, and you're answer is always always the same... SHOPPING CAN CURE ANY ILL!!! Not to mention Britney Spears in your car, a guilty pleasure that will always be yours and mine alone. From gay best friends, to having each others babies, our senior trip to New Hampshire, our first true heartbreaks, you've been there up and down and all around. Not to mention visiting your newly ( ... )


Re: Jenni the Jew! cherrybombgc October 17 2004, 19:40:23 UTC
i heart you :)


musique0615 October 17 2004, 16:59:10 UTC

(I've never actually submitted myself to let anyone do this before, so we'll just have to see what happens)


Not just a, but THE college roomate tresmaritimus2 October 17 2004, 19:50:59 UTC
Jesus, its been so long since I've talked to you, and call it crazy but I've thought about you a couple times this week, you just weren't around to message! Damn midterms here, haha. So back to 257 WHAT WHAT hahaha.. Jess you were the roomate that made life there not suck! Seriously I was so excited when I found out I could live with you,and if I was still there our asses would probably still be in 257. I loved how we'd keep our door open, and message each other from different sides of the room especially about the mutants on our hall. I loved how we had a clean room. And always STAIND playing too loudly. I loved how you let me hang my American flag in the window (my roomates now think the flag is tacky and I can't have it hanging)... I loved how we'd just let everyone have it. I miss your dry wit and they way we wished and knew we'd some how make it out. That for all we've overcome (and you are truly inspirational like that Jess, I don't even think you realize that.) there would always be more, but there would always been ( ... )


thatquietone October 17 2004, 19:45:37 UTC


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