Title: A Little Longer
heron_advocateRating: PG-13 for language
Pairing(s): Mugen/Fuu
Character(s): Mugen, Fuu, references to Jin
Summary: Maybe he'd stay alive for a little longer.
Prompt(s): "alone" for
10_promptsWord Count: 204
Why did she have to be such a friggin' idiot?
Cryin' for him was a waste of water. He always knew he'd die, anyway. He'd spent his whole life trying to do it, because he just didn't care. The only reason he stayed alive was to prove that he could, no matter what anyone did to him.
But here she was, cryin' as if the world was gonna miss him.
"Not you, too," she said, in between sobs. Oh, right. Him too. He looked to his left, where Jin usually lay when they were recovering from battles like this.
The mat was empty.
"Stop yer blubberin'," he managed to say, even though it hurt to talk. Hell, it hurt to breathe. For a moment, she straightened up resolutely, as if she'd been issued a challenge, and he thought that might've done the trick.
Two seconds later she was lying face down on his chest, sobbing even harder.
Dammit, why can't she just let things be?
"Don't leave me alone..."
Fuck, he thought, heaving a sigh.
Maybe he'd stay alive for a little longer.
"You got anything to eat in this pitiful shack?" he asked, before Fuu's sandal connected with the side of his head.