Title: No Need
heron_advocateRating: PG
Pairing(s): Tom/Ginny
Character(s): Ginny Weasley, Hermione Granger
Summary: There was no need to lie when no one suspected the truth.
Prompt(s): 09 "lies" for
lions_serpentsWord Count: 232
Hermione had always been the best at getting her to almost admit that which she wanted to remain secret. Today was no exception.
"You should cut your hair," Hermione said.
Ginny pulled her ponytail around so that it rested on her shoulder, twirling the ends of it around her index finger.
"Doesn't it get in the way?" she continued.
Ginny only shrugged in response, but the truth was that it did get in the way. It had ever since she'd started to take Quidditch and dueling more seriously.
"It's not that much of a bother," Ginny said after a while, looking at her hair with an odd sort of affection, as though parting with it would pain her.
"But I'm sure you would feel much better with shorter--"
"He wouldn't like it if I cut my hair," Ginny interrupted, waving her hand nonchalantly. Hermione looked somewhat surprised at her response, but seemed to realize that trying to convince her otherwise was futile.
She knew that Hermione assumed that she was talking about Harry. And why shouldn't Hermione think that? She was dating Harry. Everyone thought she was in love with Harry. Why shouldn't they think that she would go out of her way to make him happy, even if it wasn't true?
She preferred it this way. After all, there was no need to lie when no one suspected the truth.