Tearing Down the Walls: [Severus/Regulus]

Dec 29, 2005 01:47

Title: Tearing Down the Walls
Author: heron_advocate / trevorskeeper
Rating: PG
Pairing(s): Severus/Regulus; only slashy if you want it to be.
Character(s): Voldemort, Severus Snape, Regulus Black
Summary: Had be been discovered?
Word Count: 425
A/N: Okay, this is slightly AU. Well, okay, it doesn't have to be AU, but we've no indication in canon that Snape was a spy before the Prophecy incident. Well...er...in this fic he is. Therefore, AU. I don't know whether to like this or hate it. It's the first time I've ever tried something from Snape's POV - or even with Snape as a main character - especially something as challenging as Severus/Regulus. So go easy on me if it sucks, okay? Dedicated to the wonderful musouka_manga, the most lovable Snape-fan ever.

"I'm sure you all are wondering why I summoned you here."

"There is a spy in our midst," the Dark Lord stated simply.

Everyone in the circle froze. A couple of people were missing - presumably fulfilling their duty to the Dark Lord. Those present looked around at each other nervously.

"I have known this for quite a while, but felt that I should keep such information to myself."

He walked around the circle slowly, trying to look at each and every one of his Death Eaters in the face, but none would meet his eye.

When he got to Snape, he stopped abruptly before looking at him.

"I am telling you this now because the spy has revealed himself."

Snape tried to still his hammering heart. He was certain that the Dark Lord couldn't sense any of his feelings...he was going to extensive lengths to keep them under control...

But had he been discovered?

Surely not. He'd done everything perfectly, and none other than he and Dumbledore knew where his loyalties truly lied. He'd never even so much as hinted at it to anyone.

Except for once...but surely...no one could have noticed that...

He hadn't meant to let it slip. It was one of those rare instances when he had let his guard down. Never again.

He'd never felt so betrayed in his life. He'd trusted him. He'd thought...

What? he asked himself. That he cared for you? Severus had to keep himself from spitting in disdain. He couldn't believe he'd been stupid enough to trust someone - something that went against every instinct he had.

Never again.

Not that it would matter much, if he had been discovered.

Everyone in the circle stood as still as statues. This anxiousness...it was killing him. Still, he did not move. He didn't even blink. He gave no indication as to what was going on inside his head at all.

"Regulus Black, buffoon that he is, apparently had enough confidence in his abilities to admit it in my presence!"

Snape had to keep himself from falling over in shock. Still, he did not move.

The others exchanged confused looks. Who would have thought that Regulus Black, commonly thought of as Slytherin's failure, was capable of such a thing?

"Needless to say," came the voice of the Dark Lord, "he is no more."

No...more...? Why had he done such a stupid thing? Snape thought, angry with him. Surely he didn't think he was a match for the Dark Lord!

Or, came a voice, perhaps he really did care.

pairing: snape/regulus, character: regulus black, prompt/challenge: request, fandom: harry potter, character: severus snape

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