Mick Folly

Oct 11, 2005 22:39

I saw a very funny speech by Mick Folly tonight. He talked about various funny stories from his life, and from being on the road in wrestling. He also told some very touching stories about helping a mentaly handicapped boy. He is a very talented man, and just fun to be around. It was interesting to hear him talk in his casual talk, he seems so ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

unknownartist9 October 12 2005, 05:17:05 UTC
i think you should travel. Gain the experience you want so much. I'd love to travel. I'm seeing if i can study abroad this summer, although its $2,000. Thats a lot of money i dont have haha. But you do! Spend it on yourself for once and go some place you've always wanted to go!


d trial_by_spider October 12 2005, 10:12:47 UTC
I'd like to go to Russia and Japan.


Re: d unknownartist9 October 12 2005, 14:20:31 UTC
then go!


Re: d trial_by_spider October 12 2005, 21:46:20 UTC
When one blows up, I'll go to the other.


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