Now that is one eclectic list of career choices. Oddly enough... working with computers really isn't anywhere on here.
1.Forestry Technician (SWEET! I always wanted to do this)
2.Fisher (uhmmmm... not so much...)
3.Gardener (I enjoy a good garden)
4.Zookeeper (SWEET!)
5.Roofer (HA HA! Good one!)
6.Concrete Mason (as opposed to a Silly Putty Mason?)
7.Nursery / Greenhouse Grower (Isn't this covered under gardener?)
8.Special Effects Technician (SWEET! I love thunder sheets!)
9.Rehabilitation Counselor (Because I'm good at saying "Get your shit together")
10.Actor (I've tried this... couldn't deal with all the praise)
11.Animal Trainer (SWEET!)
12.Mediator (Cause I'm good at saying "Sit down and shut up")
13.Arborist (I enjoy a good... arbor?)
14.Construction Tradesperson (I used to trade tinker toys... anything like that?)
15.Bricklayer / Stonemason (heheh it said brick...)
16.Horse Trainer (I've done this. It was fun but tedious)
17.Insulator (Except I suck at insulting people... oh wait...)
18.Licensed Practical Nurse (As opposed to a Licensed Impractical Nurse?)
19.Plasterer (Boring)
20.Drywaller (zzzzzzzzzz)
21.Costume Designer (Yeah my costume design? NAKED!)
22.Set Designer (My Set Design? NAKED!)
23.Dancer (I do this already and it should be much higher on my list)
24.Park Warden / Ranger (SWEET! I always wanted to do this!)
25.Chimney Sweep (How the hell do I go from Park Ranger to Chimney Sweep?)
26.Lineworker (I don't really like lines)
27.Conservation Officer (Yes, I would kick butt here)
28.Horticulturist (Again with the friggin plants?)
29.Fruit and Vegetable Grower (That's it... someones getting ninja kick)
30.Stuntperson (Like the Fall Guy only more Irish...)
31.Landscaper (Yes this defintiely interests me. I like land... I like scaping... seems natural!)
32.Kinesiologist (I see no reason to study Kines... whatever that is)
33.Coast Guard (I almost did this out of High school)
34.Outdoor Guide (And to your left... Trees! To your right... Trees!)
35.Comedian (I would totally suck at this. Know your limits!)
36.Musician (Insert drummer jokes here)
37.Animal Caretaker (Yes I can see myself actually doing this)
38.Composer (Insert drummer jokes here)
39.Road Construction and Maintenance Worker (AHHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA)
40.Waste Collector (Insert drummer jokes here)