taken from
art_is_freedom Instructions:
1. Copy this whole list into your journal.
2. Bold the things that you have in common with me.
3. Whatever you don't bold, replace with things about you.
01. I am right handed.
02. I'm obsessed with pretty LJ icons.
03. I'm obsessed with Starbucks Chai Tea.
04. While I recognize the 'merits' of Macintosh, I really do prefer to use a PC.
05. I wish I remembered my dreams just about every night.
06. Sometimes I wonder if anyone understands.
07. I believe Senioritis is a very real thing.
08. I also hate people who TypE LyKe D1s.
09. I have an insane amount of books that I need to read.
10. I have some of the best girlfriends that anyone could have, ever.
11. I don't mind the taste alcohol in any way shape or form.
12. I am very peticular and fickle about my music.
13. I have a passion for movie soundtracks, specifically John Williams brilliance.
14. I think my parents are fucking good parents.
15. I wish I had a sister (in addition to my brother).
16. I wish I had a cat.
17. I don't feel as old as I thought I would feel by this time.
18. I have a lot to learn.
19. I had braces for nearly half of my life.
20. I don't like teenybopper fiction.
21. I freaking love Pirates of the Caribbean.
22. I firmly believe in my heart that pirates are superior to ninjas.
23. I hate people who judge people by what music they listen to.
24. I enjoy Bon Jovi's music.
25. Sometimes I look back at things I wore as recently as 3 years ago and wonder What the Fuck?
26. Naps make me more tired.
27. I check my livejournal friends page at least 5 times a day.
28. I always fix grammar/spelling mistakes if I see them printed somewhere.
29. I like getting snail mail.
30. I always reply to letters.
31. I've never broken a bone.
32. I wish my LJ was pretty.
33. I wish I could play the piano like you ain't never heard.
34. Sometimes I really like being alone.
35. Sometimes I really hate being alone.
36. I don't (really) fancy Legolas.
37. I fancy those slightly nerdy but not in a know-it-all-way types.
38. I wish I got more hugs.
39. I doubt I'll ever get married, and it makes me sad.
40. I think my Zodiac sign suits me. (Gemini)
41. It's taking me (rather, it took me)forever to get through The Lord of the Rings.
42. I wish I had more time in a day.
43. I've cried over a book before.
44. I wonder if I made the right choice in staying hoe for school.
45. I've had friends online for over a year that I've never met in real life, but talk to on a regular basis.
46. I wish I could meet them.
47. I'm just like my grandmother when she was my age. It's freaky.
48. I think I might be slightly allergic to cats...
49. I could become addicted to LiveJournal. I probably already am!
50. I am hopelessly messy. (Though I used to be neater, but only a little)
51. I think the idea of getting a tatoo is terrifying.
52. I have no idea what I want to do with my life.
53. I wonder if I'll ever amount to anything at all.
54. I've never had a speeding ticket.
55. I wish I could draw.
56. I usually don't mind it when people do outrageous things just to shock other people.
57. I am surprised that this is only number 57 because I feel like I've been doing this ages.
58. I sometimes feel like everyone's just fooling me.
59. I like when my friends write me letters and emails, it makes me feel special. *tee hee* (Too bad that never happens)
60. I hate shoe shopping due to the size of my feet.
61. I never want to lose touch with my siblings. (And I legally won't be able to...)
62. I have to be in the mood for chocolate.
63. I love Harrison Ford.
64. I can't remember what I was going to put here.
65. I wish I was better at school.
66. I want to have my own kids, not adopt.
67. And I'm scared to death of raising kids on my own.
68. I know I'd be such a pain to have as a mother.
69. I wanted to live in a mall when I was younger.
70. I hate lotion, yet I am addicted to it for its healing powers.
71. I believe in love (just not for me).
72. I think I am the loser friend that everyone has so they can say "Well, at least I'm better than she is".
73. That Right Said Fred bloke was not, in fact, too sexy for his shirt. ICK. >.<
74. I think that the more people in a group, the more I get ignored.
75. Sometimes I wonder why I just can't sit still and study for a test.
76. I buy too many DVDs.
77. I spend too much money on trivalities.
78. I always considered myself unworthy.
79. When I let my mind wander, I realize how dumb I am.
80. If offered immortality, I might take it.
81. I should read the newspaper more often.
82. I hate my face. I think it's ugly. (While we're at it, I hate my body too)
83. I would feel so feminine and pretty if I could finally trim off the remaining pounds.
84. Few things frustrate me more than never having enough time to get everything done.
85. I dislike close minded people.
86. I feel that I an too hardened to sickness and death (due to my job).
87. I wish I would discover someone who sees things the way I do, and understands how my mind works.
88. I think the most miserable year of my life was the year 1994.
89. I should have been around in the '50s. WHEN FAT GIRLS WERE HOT!
90. I want a hug.
91. I still hate myself sometimes.
92. I am such a geek.
93. I wish I had a style that was my own.
94. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday.
95. Sometimes I feel really really ugly.
96. I always have an opinion on everything, but I don't always share it for fear of hurting someone's feelings.
97. I have little patience for outright stupidity.
98. I love watching boxing.
99. I wonder where I will end up.
100. I'm rapidly forgetting all the french and latin I ever knew.