Why I love my dad...

Mar 15, 2007 20:31

This is a conversation I had with him today that made me laugh. I thought I should share...

A bad case of the sprained ankles? More like a bad case of the melodramas says:hi daddy

Tim says:hi

Tim says:hi

Tim says:hi

A bad case of the sprained ankles? More like a bad case of the melodramas says:lol

Tim says:who's got sprained ankles

A bad case of the sprained ankles? More like a bad case of the melodramas says: you need to see the movie Why We Fight

A bad case of the sprained ankles? More like a bad case of the melodramas says:no one

A bad case of the sprained ankles? More like a bad case of the melodramas says:Its from a really poorly written story that I read online

Tim says:If you're talking about Frank Capra's Why We Fight, I saw it many, many years ago

A bad case of the sprained ankles? More like a bad case of the melodramas says:no, its a documentary about the war in Iraq

Tim says:Oh, THAT Why We Fight

A bad case of the sprained ankles? More like a bad case of the melodramas says:though I know which films you are thinking about

A bad case of the sprained ankles? More like a bad case of the melodramas says:Eugene Jarecki's Why We Fight

Tim says:Never heard of him

A bad case of the sprained ankles? More like a bad case of the melodramas says:http://www.sonyclassics.com/whywefight/

Tim says:So what's Gene's point? Why DO we fight?

A bad case of the sprained ankles? More like a bad case of the melodramas says:his point is that the public doesn't know why

Tim says:OK, so why doesn't he tell us?

A bad case of the sprained ankles? More like a bad case of the melodramas says:he does

A bad case of the sprained ankles? More like a bad case of the melodramas says:daddy--you really want to buy my ticket home, don't you?

A bad case of the sprained ankles? More like a bad case of the melodramas says:*puppy dog eyes*

Tim says:Why would I want to do that, and what does it have to do with Why We Fight?

A bad case of the sprained ankles? More like a bad case of the melodramas says:because you loooove me, and it doesn't

Tim says:OK, let's go the first page of the Daddy's Handbook:

Tim says:What did your mother say?

A bad case of the sprained ankles? More like a bad case of the melodramas says:she would pay me back when I get home(if she remembers)

Tim says:OK, and the problem with this is....?

A bad case of the sprained ankles? More like a bad case of the melodramas says:that I don't want to pay for it hahaha

A bad case of the sprained ankles? More like a bad case of the melodramas says:what does the daddy handbook say to that?

Tim says:Like most issues, it says "Ask Your Mother"

A bad case of the sprained ankles? More like a bad case of the melodramas says:MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM

Tim says:So how much is a ticket home?

A bad case of the sprained ankles? More like a bad case of the melodramas says:$34

Tim says:How badly do you want to come home?

A bad case of the sprained ankles? More like a bad case of the melodramas says:hahaha

A bad case of the sprained ankles? More like a bad case of the melodramas says:well, you know, there is that whole baby thing...

Tim says:You're pregnant?

A bad case of the sprained ankles? More like a bad case of the melodramas says:12 months pregnant with septuplets

A bad case of the sprained ankles? More like a bad case of the melodramas says:can't you tell?

Tim says:In that case, you can't come home at all

A bad case of the sprained ankles? More like a bad case of the melodramas says:hahaha

A bad case of the sprained ankles? More like a bad case of the melodramas says:this is why you're my favorite daddy

Tim says:Talk to the daddy of your septuplets

A bad case of the sprained ankles? More like a bad case of the melodramas says:(now your turn, say "You're my favorite daughter")\

Tim says:Yeah, what you said

A bad case of the sprained ankles? More like a bad case of the melodramas says:come on! say it

A bad case of the sprained ankles? More like a bad case of the melodramas says:you know what, I'll count that

I'm his favorite! says::D
Tim says:
Sometimes you just gotta know when you've got the best you're gonna get

I'm his favorite! says:oh burn

I'm his favorite! says:you're not my favorite anymore

Tim says:Rats!

I'm his favorite! says:lmao, who actually says that anymore?

Tim says:You'd prefer "Curses"?

Rats says:HAHAHAHA

Rats says:oh man

Rats says:yes

Tim says:So, anyway, how do you get home on $34?

Curses! says:airport shuttle

Tim says:Gotta admit, I didn't see that coming. Airport shuttle?

Curses! says:yes...

Tim says:Sounds like that only gets you to the airport. Still a long walk home

Curses! says:mom is going to come and get me

Tim says:But only if you pay the tab up front...

Tim says:How about if I co-sign on her promissory note?

Curses! says:bah

Curses! says:lol

Curses! says:fine, i'll do it

Tim says:well, fine, then

Tim says:Just FINE

Curses! says:you're starting to sound like me...

Tim says:I was me long before you were me

Curses! says:I am not you

Curses! says:oh god....I *AM* you...

Curses! says::D
Tim says:
My world and welcome to it

Curses! says:but I have prettier handwriting, so I guess that makes it ok

Tim says:I'm not sure how, but OK, if you say so

Curses! says:you have tiny guy writing...

Curses! says:that would just be weird if I had your handwriting

Tim says:I woldn't wish my handwriting on anyone

Curses! says:you woldn't?

Tim says:Nasty

Tim says:I woldn't wish my type off on anyone, either

Curses! says: PLEASE NOTE:

* An additional, regulated fuel surcharge will be added to your total.
Tim says:Yeah, I know typing

Curses! says:haha

Curses! says:seriously? they are charging us for fuel

Tim says:Who is?

Curses! says:the shuttle people

Tim says:What do you think their shuttle runs on?

Curses! says:laughing gas

Tim says:There you go. Gotta have a surcharge on that

Tim says:Or everybody would be sniffing the tank

Curses! says:naw, that stuff makes me puke

Curses! says:There is a reason I puked the last 4 times I went to the dentist
Tim says:It's not the gas. You're just a chicken

Curses! says:no, I'll feel fine and then...BLURPAASDFKLJA all over the hygienists

Tim says:That's why the make the big bucks

Curses! says:haha

Tim says:You might not want to mention that to them the next time you go in

Curses! says:the hygienists at my orthodontists office all wear matching outfits from American Eagle...it's kinda cute, but really just creepy

Tim says:Sounds like something from The Stepford Wives

Curses! says:basically

Tim says:So when are you coming home?

Curses! says:21st

Tim says:That soon, huh?

Curses! says:yup

Curses! says:start baby proofing the house again, you never know what I am going to walk into

Tim says:If you walk in with a baby, be prepared to keep on walkin'

Curses! says:hahahaha

Curses! says:I'll keep that in mind

Tim says:Firmly in mind

Curses! says:because you know me, Ms. Slutty Mcwhoresalot

Tim says:I know all you college types

Tim says:I watch TV

Tim says:I even watched MTV once

Curses! says:seriously, mom has told me stories about you, mister. If anyone fits into the college stereotypes, it would be you, not me

Tim says:I'm one of those COOL dads

Curses! says:hahaha

Curses! says:riiiiiiiiiiiii

Curses! says:iiiiiiii

Curses! says:iiiiiiiight

Tim says:Your mother saw me falling down drunk ONE TIME, and she's making me out to be a lush

Curses! says:hahahahahahahaha

Curses! says:I know

Curses! says:it's great

Tim says:Actually, I wasn't even drunk by the time she saw me. I was WAY too sick to be doing any drinking

Curses! says:You've been drunk (That mom knows of..) once, and I have never been drunk

Curses! says:so you're worse

Curses! says:i win!

Tim says:I've been drunk more than once, Miss Goody TwoShoes

Curses! says:I believe it

Curses! says::)
Curses! says:
I still win

Tim says:But I got smart enough to stop doing it, so I win!

Curses! says:I didn't have to do it to be smart enough to stop

Tim says:If you don't start, you can't stop

Curses! says:I just skipped right over that step

Tim says:See, that's what I mean about the younger generation. Always skipping the details

Curses! says:and btw, I am so telling mom that you called me a goody twoshoes

Tim says:And?

Curses! says:she is going to be maaaaaaad

Curses! says:because that implies that I should get drunk

Curses! says:and you KNOW mom would never stand for that

Tim says:No, it implies you should stop feeling superior

Curses! says:but I am superior

Curses! says:*bats eyes* haha

Tim says:It ain't parnoia if people are really after you?

Curses! says:...

Tim says:So it ain't meglomainia if you really ARE better than everyone else

Curses! says:Exactly!

Curses! says:o0o Megalomaniac is a good song

Tim says:Sounds like a good name for a rock band

Curses! says:if you can tell me who that song is by, I'll give you a cookie

Curses! says:btw, you still owe me a cookie

Curses! says:I don't remember what for, but you do

Tim says:If you can get me to care who is was by, I'll give you two cookies

Curses! says:pfft. that's like saying "I'll give you a cookie if you can make George Bush intelligent"

Curses! says:its Mission: Impossible

Curses! says:it's*

Tim says:Intelligent, maybe not. But President, yep

Curses! says:well, at least you've seen the light

Curses! says:and there is no rule that says you have to respect the president

Tim says:Well, respect or not, he's got his finger on the Button. Sleep on that, if you can

Curses! says:seriously, go rent Why We Fight

Curses! says:now

Curses! says:chop chop

Tim says:Yeah, right

Curses! says:fear the Military Industrial Complex!

Curses! says:haha

Tim says:What are you, Eisenhower?

Holy Military Industrial-Complex, Batman! says:duh

Tim says:No, Ike

Holy Military Industrial-Complex, Batman! says:yes ike?

Tim says:No, I Like Ike

Holy Military Industrial-Complex, Batman! says:I have no idea where you are going with this

Tim says:Superior, huh?

Holy Military Industrial-Complex, Batman! says:well, sometimes it is difficult for us superiors to come down off our pedestals and communicate on the level of you... lowly commoners

Tim says:Besides, it military-industrial, not industrial-complex

Holy Military-Industrial Complex, Batman! says:bah fine

Holy Military-Industrial Complex, Batman! says:I've only seen it, never read it

Holy Military-Industrial Complex, Batman! says:I'm still saving this conversation as blackmail

Holy Military-Industrial Complex, Batman! says:hahaha

Tim says:OK, little Miss Goody TwoShoes KnowItAll, Eisenhower is the one who coined the phrase military-industrial complex.

Tim says:Ike was his nickname

Tim says:I Like Ike was his campaign slogan

Holy Military-Industrial Complex, Batman! says:I know that

Tim says:Yeah, you knew that. Sure

Holy Military-Industrial Complex, Batman! says:I just didn't understand why you felt the need to say Ike over and over again

Tim says:I like ike

Holy Military-Industrial Complex, Batman! says:he said "Fear the military industrial complex" in his fair well speech

Holy Military-Industrial Complex, Batman! says:and seriously, who doesn't know what his campaign slogan was?

Tim says:Is that anything like a farewell speech

Holy Military-Industrial Complex, Batman! says:It was in his fair well speech

Holy Military-Industrial Complex, Batman! says:do you really want to take me to the mat for that?

Holy Military-Industrial Complex, Batman! says:you will not win that one

Tim says:Well, I Like Ike was his better-known slogan. It was more catchy than Adlai's a Dope

Holy Military-Industrial Complex, Batman! says:haha

Tim says:Hey, speaking of Ike, I gotta a war to fight

Holy Military-Industrial Complex, Batman! says:noooooooooooooooooo

Tim says:Which brings us back to Why We Fight

Holy Military-Industrial Complex, Batman! says:child abandonment!

Holy Military-Industrial Complex, Batman! says:abandonment!

Tim says:Yeah, well, do try to bear up under the burden

well, it gets freakishly political from there, and I'm sure you're already bored to tears, but I was amused
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