Title: Lights Out and Shoot Up The Station 2 of ? Pairing or Characters: Ram/Java, Ram/Siva, Ram/OC, Ved/OC, Jay, Mega, Paul Word Count: 1,675 Rating: PG-13, with strong hints of murder. Disclaimer: These characters aren't mine.
This is my first go at a Tribe fic...I hope the cut works...I hope you enjoy it.
Title: Lights Out and Shoot Up The Station Pairing or Characters: Jack/Ellie Jack/OC Ram/Ruby Lex/Taisan Ebony/Slade Salene/May Word Count: 1,147 Rating: PG-13/ Disclaimer: These characters aren't mine
Due to us all having various problems (inspiration, betas and in my case recovering from the mother of all colds), I'm extending the deadline to 10th December.