TMI, possibly

Apr 15, 2010 22:07

For people who don't want to read about others' health problems, I've put mine under the cut. For the curious and the advice-givers, read on.

So I had this cramp about a year ago that was so intense that it scared me into going to the doctor and having a pap smear. (Sorry, but I did put it behind the cut.)

Long story short, I had myself thoroughly checked out. Not only was I terrified I might have cervical cancer, the cramps also started to come more frequently. I discovered that 2 ibuprofen knocked out the pain if I took them when I noticed it coming on, but I found the whole business extremely worrying.

Now, several doctors' visits later, it turns out I have endometriosis. I've got a consultation with a gynecologist to talk about it, but in the meantime, does anybody have any advice, pep talks, etc? My relief at not having cancer is endless, of course, but I feel that now I've got to own the disease I do have. Y'know?

thoughts from indolence

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