in the cd player: panic! at the disco
on the radio: the mexicans rico and mambo on 103.3
on the tv: nascar
in the vcr: ace ventura
your partner: selfish bitch with too much makeup
your dinner: eggplant
your clothes: famuos stars and straps, choppers sunglasses, clunky skate shoes
your hair: greasy
your library: biographies of jeb bush
your dwelling: nothing, or a big ass haunted mansion without electricity
your neighborhood: an industrial complex
your job: fisherman
having a convo w/: someone who is really musically pretentious.
in the cd player: a mix of sigur ros and M83 and good hip hop thrown in there
on the radio: smooth jazz or shitty mainstream hip hop
on the tv: the office, boy meets world
in the vcr: blow
you partner: m.p. duhh
your dinner: double double and a chocolate shake
your clothes: tank top, basketball shorts, ski jacket, pumas.
your hair: buzzed and a mustache.
your library: matt christopher books, books about peregrine falcons and penguins, religious scriptures and doctrines, boxcar children books.
your dwelling: small but nice house with an enormous backyard and good view and swimming pool and jacuzzi and tennis courts.
your neighborhood: the hood from "friday".
your job: very successful childrens' book illustrator.
having a convo w/: a good friend.
what time is it? // 12:35 pm
what is the date? // apr 2
why are you filling this out? // because it's a challenge and ilike a good challenge
full name? // Aryeh Eidlin Cohen
do you like it? // yeah
if you could change your first name, what would it be? // Gus
age? // 16
dob? // July 18, 1990
height? // 5'6"
hair color? // poo
eye color? // poo
where do you live? // Goleta
do you like it there? // love it.
why or why not? // it's the ultimate.
where were you born? // Cottage (cheese) Hospital
astrological sign? // 69 cancer
shoe size? // 10
grade? // 11
school? // dp fuck the royals and the dons charger country hick hick hick.
gpa? // 4 with weighted grades
parent's names? // Stephen, Marian.
do you have any siblings? // i do
if so, what are their names and ages? // Rachel Mathilda Cohen, age 18
are your parents divorced, remarried, or single? // none of those.
pets? // we do not own any
names? // i cannot answer that question.
do you like your family? // i do
favorite relative? // my dad's cousin barry
number? // 18
color? // silver
car? // mini cooper, new acuras, new thunderbirds
season? // summer
holiday? // i love holidays. jews have the best ones too. passover right now, so fun.
day of the week? // friday because getting out of school is such a relief, saturday because its a continuation of that relief.
month? // july
grade so far? // 8th
sport? // baseball, volleyball, badminton.
class? // art
teacher so far? // gleason, cruz, poole
drink? // tea, arizona tea, root beer, wine.
candy? // cadbury candies from england, 3 musketeers and tootsie rolls.
food? // crunchwrap supreme from taco bell
fruit? // pineapple,pear
veggie? // potatttotaotaoto. asparagus when cooked right.
dessert? // mochi balls, ice cream, cheesecake
tv show? // boy meets world
radio station? // 104.7
cd? // cursive- the ugly organ, radiohead- kid a
movie? // blow
actor? // johnny depp
actress? // scarlett johansson
song? // driftwood: a fairy tale - cursive
word? // quixotic
phrase? // "what's up, buttercup"
animal? // penguins
flower? // snapdragons or birds of paradise
clothing store? // american apparell
article of clothing? // cursive sweatshirt
underwear? // boxers with the guy and my name airbrushed on the fanny.
state that you've been to? // california
ice cream flavor? // cookie dougn't you want some?
breakfast food? // raisin bran.
way to have fun? // anything can be made fun when you're with the right people ;P
me or you? // me
aol or aim? // aim
cd or cassette? // cd
dvd or vcr? // DVD
radio or cd? // cd
slow dance or freak dance? // freak dance
jeans or khakis? // jeans
jacket or coat? // ski jacket
leather or pleather? // neither
sparkles or bronze? // bronze
sexy or hot? // hot
car or truck? // Car
civic or acura? // acura
corvette or camero? // corvette
strong or weak? // strong
upset or pissed? // pissed
tall or short? // short, i would like to be tall though.
lunch or dinner? // lunch
abercrombie or hollister? // abercrombie has better music in their store.
gap or old navy? // gap
nsync or bsb? // *nsync
love or lust? // they each have their own time
gone in 60 seconds or the fast and the furious? // fast and the furious (if you haven't seen the first one, i highly recommend it)
inside or outside? // outside
lipstick or lipgloss? // lipgloss
piercings or tattoos? // neither
who is your best girl friend? // claire, natalie, becca
who is your best guy friend? // alex sv
do you get along with people easily? // Yes
why or why not? // because i am friendly
who have you known the longest? // earl and bobo
who do you dislike the most? // people who don't let themselves have a good time
was your crush/bf/gf a close friend before you liked them? // i dont have one
craziest? // timmy
loudest? // julia and dana when they laugh
funniest? // they have different senses of humor.
quietest? // alex coleman
sweetest? // natalie
most caring? // richie
most understanding? // alex sv
kinkiest? // camp friends
sleeziest? // me or ross
best dressed? // juju stone
biggest flirt? // einar
most likely to have a two year relationship? // natalie
cutest couple? // alex sv and lolo
most athletic? // sean park
if you were stuck with only two friends, who would you pick and why? // alex sv because he's my boy and then m.p. because we're horny teenagers and she's my love.
if you could date >ONE< guy friend, who would you date and why? // gay gay gay
who is most like you and why? // there's only one ME.
do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? // no
if so, who? // no
if not, do you have a crush? // yeah like 4 but i dont really like any of them for realsies
if so, who? // ive had one on m.p. since 7th grade
how long have you liked them? // i dont
what about them do you like so much? // nice girl
what is their strongest quality? // she's got a good balance between school and fun
how long have you known them? // 2 years
if you could take back one thing you did, what would it be? // if i've ever made someone's life worse i really really do wish i could take that back.
do you have any regrets? // yes
last thing you said? // i dont remember what i said last
last song you heard? // a jewish song we sang at the seder
last person you talked to? // mama cohen
if you could get back together with an ex, who would it be and why? // i wouldn't.
what are you doing right now? // this
what cd is in your cd player? // Luna Gitana- Gypsy Moon (not joking).
are you cold? // i could be warmer
how are you sitting? // on a chair regular
is their music on? // who's music?
if so, what song is on? // i cannot answer this question with the information provided
what time is it? // 1:24 am
where are your parents? // roaming the house
how old will you be when you graduate high school? // 17
are you going to get married? // definitely
are you going to have children? // no, my wife will
what will you name them? // harry and ron
do you want to go to college? // yes i do
what kind of car do you want to drive? // a sporty white acura
what kind of job will you have? // i will probably be doing something in graphic design and visual communications.
whats your expectations for when you're 25? // to have had sex and grown a beard.
drank? // to life, indeed!
smoked? // indeed!
skinny dipped? // indeed!
prank called the police? // no
been followed, ext by the police? // not that i recall
been high? // indeed!
done drugs? // indeed!
if so, what? // the dope!
stole? // indeed!
met someone off the net? // no
been in a fist fight? // no
punched your sibling/parent? // no
tried to commit suicide? // no
broken a bone? // indeed!
driven illegally? // all the time! sometimes, i go seventy miles per hour on the highway 101!
thrown things at your parents? // nah
runaway? // nah
filled out a survey this long? // no. this has taken me over an hour so far. i want to die.
sean or shawn? // sean
desiree or desirae? // Desiree
megan or meghan? // Megan
nicole or nichole? // Nicole
mark or marc? // Mark
eric or erik? // Erik
ashley, ashlee, or ashleigh? // Ashlee
morgan or morghan? // Morgan
jackie or jaqui? // Jackie
caitlin or kaitlyn? // caitlin
shelly or shelley? // Shelly
carrie or carey? // Carrie
vick or vic? // Vic
derek or derrik? // derek
darren or daren? // darren
bryan or brian? // brian
nikki, nicky, or nicci? // nikki
christina or kristina? // christina
zac, zack, or zach? // zach
gina or geena? // gina
do you right in cursive or print? // a mixture
are you a right or lefty? // lefty
do you believe in god? // no
what's your religion? // judaism
what do you think of rainbows? // magic
do you have any piercings or tattoos? // belly button piercing and lower back tattoo of a butterfly
if so, where?? // just told you
if not do you want any, where? // leopard print on my penis
what do you think of eminem? // he likes to rap
is tupac dead? // no he's obviously just kicking it in thug mansion
what do you think of britney and justin? // justin is fantastic, britney is done.
if you could live anywhere else, where would you live? // off patterson where all my friends live.
do you drive? // Yes
do you have braces or glasses? // no, im pure.
like milk and cookies? // YES
ever worn black nail polish? // no
what color nail polish do you have on now? // i cannot answer that question
do you ever do things your parents told you not to? // indeed!
what's your favorite song to "rock out" to?? // CUTSMAN (horse the band)