(no subject)

Jun 04, 2004 09:59

Hey everyone!!
I haven't updated in so long, so even though everyone has already done this, I think I'll go through everything that's happened lately...

Ok so school ended on may 18, and then prom was the 21st. the prom itself was alright, nothing too exciting, didn't spend all that much time with jason, altho he was a really nice date.  post prom was great tho!!! the obstacle course, spending time with colleen, swimming, the hypnotist!! so much fun!!

The next night I met Charlie :-D...but more about all that later.

So May 23 was my birthday, it was really good, thanks everyone who came over I love you all, I'm so happy I got to spend my birthday with you guys!!!

Alright next we had Baccalaureate, which wasn't even bad, then Awards Night, where I won the friggin coaches award for track--hahahahahahaha that's crazy seeing as I barely went and HATED mr guerin--but jacques liked me so maybe that's why...and oh yea there were only 3 senior girls on the team lol....ok so yea the Senior Farewell was shorter than i thought it would be, it was weird to be there in our caps and gowns with the rest of the school in uniform...and I remember looking at the sophomores and thinking they looked really young--which is odd because I don't remember thinking that so much when we were in school--lol I don't know maybe I'm just weird...

Last weekend I went to the Cape with my fam, my uncle bought us lobsters and it was really really good :) and I got to spend time with my little cousins Alex and Olivia, so that is always a good time.

Then I came home from the Cape for Nicole's party, which was lots of fun, truth or dare is always great no matter how old you are!! and I loved looking at the collage of pics they had out, although I think we can not look at any pics of me from freshman year...can we say scary?!?!

On Tuesday I picked my classes for Lehigh. As of right now I'm taking:
Honors Calculus I
Freshman English
Body & Mind Seminar (I have to take one seminar from the list they gave me, so I picked this one)
Choices & Decisions (1 hour required class once a week)

That could all change if I manage to do good on my AP exams, math I might take calc I again anyways I haven't decided yet, and I'm hoping that some miracle occurs and I get a 4 on English, but I'm not expecting much lol.

So then graduation came. Congratulations everyone, we really did it!! I'm still in denial that it's over, I can't accept it yet...there's always been something more to look forward too, like I think Therese had said in one of her entries...there was always another event to put off accepting it is over...and I think now I'm looking towards grad parties for that...I'm still seeing you guys all then, so I'm doing ok--but I don't know when I'm going to have to accept the graduation thing, right now it feels like a logn weekend and we'll be back on Monday...I have to keep reminding myself that is not the case.

After graduation, Charlie met a bunch of my friends and my family. It went well, some of you said he's hot (hehe thanks guys) and my parents think he's a nice guy. My dad is still a little sketchy about the whole college frat boy thing, but oh well he's dealing...and I think it did help for him to meet Charlie, even if that was kinda hard for me.

Ok so Charlie. Most of you know basically everything, but I'll go through it all quickly lol. Charlie is 20 years old, he goes to WPI, he's my boyfriend, I met him almost 2 weeks ago, and he makes me really really happy. I've been spending so much time with him, but I think that's going to slow down soon, with me working and him needing to do his iqp (wpi project) and me needing to spend lots of time with all my girls before we have to go to school. Not sure what else to say, besides I'm extremely happy, happier than I've been in so long, and everything is going great.

So that's my life in the past 2 weeks.  If you read all that, you're prolly really bored but I love yooou!

I'll prolly do another entry in about 5 mins since I'm at work with nothing to do (Fridays are such a waste of time here, NO ONE ever calls!!), but that is ok, more for you to read if you'd like...lol

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