Title: Elements of the Mind
Rating: PG-13
Words: 1768
Pairing: Matt/Bennet
Summary: He looks into those unblinking blue eyes and Bennet twists a small grin.
Warnings: None
A/N: Thanks to
karathephantom for being the world's quickest beta. All other mistakes are mine. Feedback much appreiciated as I'm slightly unsure about this one.
Mind Games )
Comments 28
Who the hell knew that you only needed one tiny scoop of detergent for a whole ton of clothes?
makes me snrk.
Like I told indyhat, it was an experience. 'Nuff said.
I was actually quite unsure about the grapes at the end, whether they disrupted the flow of the story, so I'm glad that you liked it. Bennet/Claude references tend to worm their way into any Bennet fic I write (because yes, I love them so much) Glad you liked it. Thanks.
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