The Random Question Meme!
An array of completely random questions about my friends!
What four adjectives best describe
wistfuljen?Witty, voluptuous, loving, strong.What fictional character is
miss_kristin most like?um?What do you think of when you see
ordunarygurl?ASIANCould you take
baronvonawesome in a fight?That is a tough one. I would like to think so.What does
khanline look for in a significant other?Sense of humor I bet.What is
daft_venus's fantasy?Don't know.What was the last game you played with
mroakyalter?Who Can Make Fun Of the Other Kids In Fiction Class Better?Did
dead_deer leave the stove on again?I don't think so, I think she only eats raw food. When's the last time you saw
xstandbymex?Last summer i guess.
harmless_hobby is in a maze of twisty passages, all alike. What now?Get in yer hovercraft and get the fuck out of there.
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