I really wanted to like Snow White because girls in plate mail by all rights should be great fun, and I was UP for bad-ass Snow White. I haven't seen any Twilight stuff so I didn't know the actress. She was not my cup of tea. Possibly because this is because I'm not a fan of the luminous earth goddess of pure innocence trope, preferring instead bad girls. ...But not this kind of bad. :(
I was also bemused by Snow White's recitation of the Lord's Prayer. Fairies and magic AND Jesus? Even in Narnia Jesus got turned into a lion. And then there was all the ...effects stuff... in the middle which was very pretty but otherwise pointless. There was no humour, no romance, and I just didn't care about anyone, except maybe the queen who was a decent bad girl. If she'd had some more interesting great purpose than living forever and being pretty (any great purpose would have done, even creating the largest matchstick sculpture on the planet) then she would have been my favorite and I would have rooted for her. Great costume design? Thor was pretty? *shrugs*
The Hurt Locker. Meesto had a DVD he got from somewhere. I watched it because of Jeremy Renner. It was good, I'm glad I saw it, I can see why everyone loves this film, but it's not the type of thing I'd watch again. I adored the cereal aisle scene. He does have a great face.
The Nanny Diaries. I enjoyed this embarrassingly much. I thought the Mom character was brilliantly acted and I loved everyone else. SJo should do more comedy. Chick flick for the win! Yay library rentals!
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang. Another library rental. This one had me howling with laughter pretty much right through it, which I did not expect going in to it. Possibly this was because I had just watched Iron Man 1 and 2, and this looked like Iron Man 0.5 in which Tony Stark has had a blow to head and is suffering amnesia and so turns to a life of crime and he's terrible at it. Please someone, point me to that fic.