Division - Record of Arrest
NAME "Gabriel"ALIASES Trickster, LokiCLASS AdultNUMBER T-533F64CRIME Treasonous acts, inciting rebellion, murderDATE OF ARREST 02/10/2012PLACE OF ARREST Southern DistrictCOUNTY AliundeARRESTING OFFICERS Sheriff Swan, Inspector JavertPRECINCT 001
SEX MaleAGE Appears approx 40BIRTHDATE unknownBIRTHPLACE unknownHEIGHT 5 ft 7 inchesWEIGHT 146EYE COLOR HazelHAIR COLOR BrownBUILD Medium buildSCARS AND MARKS Scar on chest from previous stabbing with angelic bladeSPECIES Abrahamic AngelCITIZEN YesKNOWN GANG AFFIL. Devils NestDATE OF REGISTRATION 20/04/2012RESIDENCE Winchester ResidenceOCCUPATION Bar-manNOTES Subject is known to possess healing properties as well as summon various weapons and illusions. Subject should not be approached alone or without android assistance.
PREVIOUS CRIMINAL HISTORYDATECITYCHARGE AND DISPOSITION02/10/2012AluindeSubject is charged with, at various times andat various locations through-out the city,making covert and overt suggestions ofrebellion to the general populace. This spreadfear and disquiet amongst the city and may as yet be ruled as an open act of terrorism.The subject is also known to have made several Please see attached sheetsfor further information