Name: Jon
Personal Journal:
nilefloodContact: AIM: fallenappleinc | Plurk:
fallenappleinc | Email: angel.absent.without.leave [at] gmail.com
Time zone: GMT
Current Characters: Teddy (
Character Name: Gabriel (also known as The Trickster)
Character Journal:
trickster_mk2Canon: Supernatural
Canon Point: Gabriel had been popping in-and-out of the Winchester's lives, sometimes making his presence known and sometimes not, trying to toughen them up for what was coming, and trying to make up his own mind on what he should be doing with them. Having decided that maybe he was on their side, he plans to rescue them from a rather flawed attempt to defeat Lucifer, or at least battle the Pagan gods that have taken them captive in order to end the Apocalypse. He hoped to get out alive, but the Fates have other ideas. As soon as he thinks the Winchesters have a chance to get away, he attempts to confront his brother. It was heroic and stupid, and he'd be the first to admit it. But only after Lucifer plunges Gabriel's own sword through his chest.
Gabriel is brought to the city the very second before he dies on the floor of the Elysian Field hotel. Which he will be very grateful for, once he realises the implications.
Canon Building: N/A
Supernatural Wiki Personality: Gabe would say that he’s the sort of person that is thoughtlessly kind, that puts others before himself. There are a lot of creatures, and people, who would dispute this and rightly so. Gabriel is a Trickster, using his angelic powers to right wrongs, not exactly robbing the rich to feed the poor, but taking individuals down a peg or two when they got too big for their boots. And if he, a being with untold abilities and a huge capacity for knowledge, used these opportunities (his ‘little lessons’ as he likes to call them) to amuse himself, then that’s just two birds with one stone.
He has been cruel though, malicious in his punishments. Tough love was always his Father’s policy, and Gabriel believes it’s the only method that works, the only way to get people to change. If you show the sort of people he deals with even the slightest hint of kindness, they exploit it. They pretend to be sorry, but they never change. As soon as you're gone they're back to their old ways, and that isn't what Gabriel is hoping to achieve. Make them suffer is his motto, although of course he doesn't literally have a motto, he has his street-cred to maintain. But he isn't merciless. He knows when to stop, when his message really isn't getting through. He doesn't like to admit it. He doesn't like to admit he sulks afterwards. But he does, far too used to getting things to go his own way.
But he hasn't always been a Trickster. Back home, aeons and aeons ago, when he lived with his brothers and sisters he didn’t believe in punishments and lessons. He believed in family. He was happy, he loved his Father and his siblings and his existence in Heaven. It was only when his older brother was abandoned that Gabriel changed; he began to lose his faith. You see, he loved his brothers. That was why he hated it when they fought, and unfortunately, their natures as they were, Michael and Lucifer fought a lot and Gabriel couldn’t stand it. He knew eventually that the time would come when the fighting would have to end, one way or another, but he always hoped, always prayed that it would end peacefully. When it became clear it would never end in anyway other than bloodshed, he ran away.
Gabriel runs away. Despite his power, despite what he could do, and can do, he is a coward. He doesn’t like to end up in situations where he might lose, where he might end up hurt. He’s lucky that nothing on Earth can actually harm him, only the sword of one of his brothers or sisters can actual destroy him, and even then, his Father has occasionally reversed death.
But Gabriel hadn't been the best of sons. He'd disappeared and masqueraded for a few centuries as a pagan god, and even if their Father had disappeared Himself, Gabriel knew He'd hear about it. And He wouldn't be pleased. Still, Gabriel's put off thinking about that. Out of sight, out of mind and all that jazz, and frankly, being Loki kept him pretty busy. Busy enough, until the Winchesters came along. And everything he'd built himself, the happy existence without having to think about Michael or Lucifer or their messed up family and then... and then he saw a chance. To end all of the fighting. And he took it.
Two stupid humans, each intent on sacrificing themselves to save the other. They were the tools his brothers would use in their final fight, and all the Winchester brothers had to do was agree, to become his brother's puppets and then, then maybe all the fighting would be other. Everything could go back to the way it was, their Father would return. Unfortunately, the two humans were as stubborn as he was. He could have forced the Winchesters to agree, of course. But living with humans had rubbed off. He'd learnt humanity, something most of his family would have thought horrific, despite being tasked to watch over the mud-monkeys. By then it was too late for his Father to help him, for him to stay neutral. The world had it's problems, humans had their faults, but his Father had made nothing perfect. And it was humanity Gabriel decided he wanted to protect. It was that decision that made him the Winchester's ally, rather than their enemy.
It isn't in his nature for Gabriel to give in to heroics. He values his own skin too highly, but for all his egomania, he knew that he was only a pawn in the events unfolding around him. But just like in chess, all pawns have their parts to play, even if they end up wiped off the board. He keen he might die. It was a possibility, he recognised that, he prepared for it, on the off-chance. But he never expected it to happen. It just proved that sometimes he could still surprise himself.
Imported Character History: N/A
-Gabriel possesses three sets of wings, which he can summon and hide at will (depending on his own health), these wings give him the ability to fly.
- Gabriel is impervious to old age, sickness and pain that would effect humans.
-He can teleport himself and anyone else he chooses to anywhere he wishes.
-He can create worlds, objects or the facsimile of living creatures at will. These worlds can take the form of time-loops or mini-universes outside of normal time.
-He can harm/imprison lesser angels and other arch-angels
- He can heal others or relieve physical symptoms such as tiredness, hunger or hangovers, mend bones or other ailments.
- He can manipulate his own form.
First Person Sample:
[The recording starts with a crackle, as if the device is being set down on a table or desk once the record button has been pressed] Is this working? Heeeello? I guess the little red blinky light means recording, right? [And then again, in a mutter] Messenger of the Lord should really know how to use this stuff. [And after clearing his throat, back to normal volume] So, this is the after-life. Well. That's really impressive. It looks like New York. Not exactly, but close enough I guess. On a bad day.
You know, after everything, I expected to be sent down and spend the rest of forever with Luci. Guess that doesn't happen to angels though, huh? Never really thought about the big here-after... but this isn’t what I expected at all.
[He sighs, stopping and apparently gathering his thoughts] My guess is... you're not all dead angels. I'd know you if you were. [He leans forward, taps the screen with a nail.] And my guess is we don't get this snazzy little bangles just for fun, right? Gotta mean something... And I bet this isn’t the here-after either.
[He stops, snaps his fingers, and nothing happens. He snaps again, and once more, and there you have it, one banoffee pie.] Like they say, third time’s the charm. [And there’s the note in his voice, the concern. Three times? That’s... bad. That’s almost as good as not working at all.]
[There is a shuffling noise then, and the recording stops.]
Third Person Sample:
There was only so much boredom a smart man can cope with. An archangel could cope with even less, which for Gabriel was a very inconvenient truth. Humming and tapping the chipped table in front of him didn't really help, and although it seemed to bother the café's other patrons, it was hardly something he could keep up for very long. He needed something he could really sink his teeth into, something that he could focus on. Usually, he’d just zero in on the nearest jerk and find some delicious way to make their life horribly unpleasant. That wasn’t an option, not till he knew what he was dealing with. And that made his mood a little bit worse. Not just a little worse, but lots worse. It was his Purpose. Sure, his other Purpose was Spreading the Good Word, but there wasn’t much of that around at the moment, and he'd got away with not doing it long enough on Earth.
Besides, somehow 'Don't worry, you're stuck here but my Dad still loves you.' didn't really cut it anymore.
And that made his heart sink. His Dad wasn't there, wasn't Home either, as far as he knew, but where-ever this city was, Gabriel couldn't hear his brothers and sisters anymore either. Normally he could hear the Chorus, even if he ignored it, it was always there in the background like the heartbeat of his borrowed body. That realisation was almost as bad as knowing that no matter what he did, he was never going to get his brothers to settle their differences. Still, the coffee wasn’t half bad, not after dumping more sugar into it. There were various cakes on display too, and Gabriel was sure he could easily munch his way through most of them if he snapped himself up a magazine.
Then again, the way that was going right at the moment, he’d try for Cosmo and end up with Trenchcoat Monthly.
That was just something he might have to accept and get used to. Snap was on the fritz and there was a lot he was going to have to get used to. Not being in control was one thing. Being homeless was another. Not having his dog. Not being able to pop in on the Winchesters and little Cas whenever he wanted... the list was too long. He was going to need at least three cakes. And another syrup-laden coffee.