Player Information
Name: Aisu
LJ Account:
aisuyoukaiAIM: goldxlll
Time Zone: Central
In-Game Character Information
Name: Dante Sparda (← for the purposes of this RPG to give him a full name)
Series: Devil May Cry
Age: 17
Personality: Dante isn’t just the epitome of the phrase “devil may care,” he gives it entirely its own meaning with his attitude and personality (and heritance). Dante’s usual demeanor is both flippant and uncaring to the point of ignoring and even shunning anything and everything (everyone) around him. In truth his cocky attitude and seemingly callous nature are simply ways for him to distance himself from others and never again be attached to anyone who might die around him, but in reality he almost always tends to go out of his way to help others if it is in a manner he knows how to handle (which translates into “very roughly”). Despite his mouthing off and flashy taunting in battle, Dante oddly tends to fight fairly with a very strong, innate sense of justice and rarely can be found to be “cheating.” This does not apply to class tests. Okay, actually yes it does but that’s really only because he absolutely, positively is horrible at it and always manages to get caught. So he just fails everything. Dante-by pure dumb luck-is the one kid who can manage to fail a magic class. But again, mostly just because he does not care or even really try. On the flip side, Dante is one of those types of people who, while not actively looking to gain anything special, always manages to get it in the end. Skill and power seem to come to him naturally even if outwardly it only shows when the going is tough.
Along with his disagreeable mouth and unnaturally exceptional talent, Dante is unflappable in the face of anything. He does not feel fear at all. Be it a devil from the lower levels of hell or an extremely upset teacher, the half-blood boy will simply stare it straight in the eye and either tell it off or make some rudely sarcastic remark without batting an eye. He is fairly good at, and seems to love, rubbing people the wrong way. It’s as if it is his personal challenge in life to piss off anything, everything, anyone, and everyone within his lifetime. Despite this he somehow manages to get out of too much trouble although he is naturally always getting into it. The thing is while he is an unmistakable badass he has a vast supply of “goofy-lovable-boy” charm to readily squeeze him out of too much trouble. He can grin like a real fool without a thought to who sees it, waggle his hips like he just don’t care, and generally do anything anyone else would find embarrassing or “gay” and either come off as completely natural or at the least personally not give a damn what anyone else thinks or says about him. Oh yeah, he isn’t necessarily too fond of lemon drops, but the boy has been known to survive for months on end eating nothing but pizza and strawberry sundaes.
Secret fact: Dante is totally a Momma’s Boy. It is a little known fact (as in, little amount of people as possible know the fact) that when Dante awakens from a nightmare the first thing he usually does is call out for his mother. He and his twin were terribly fond of their mother and her death affected him greatly though it never comes up in conversation. If anything of his past does come up in conversation he is likely to simply walk away without explanation or tell that person off immediately, and still walk away without explanation. He doesn’t seem to care one way or another about his father and this is much of a mystery (possibly even to himself). As for his twin, he still believes the elder sibling is dead (though this is not true-and if he shows up in Squarewarts at any point in time the “still believes” will magically delete itself and “thought” will replace it) and he treats the memory of said twin as flippantly and callously as any other even to the point of saying he does not care and is glad to be separated from him (again, another lie but don’t tell him that). And once more for careful reiteration: do not bring up Dante’s mother in a conversation, even jokingly, unless said person is prepared to get thoroughly thrashed.
Also, while Dante does not know that his “half-blood” inheritance refers to being a half-devil rather than of half muggle blood-he has an odd sense of how to treat this fact. He oddly seems to have problems with what he is but will readily accept anyone else with the same “problem;” in addition, despite being equally rude to everyone Dante has a soft spot for full blooded muggles and will willingly help any of them if asked (by them, another muggle, or even a friendly half- or pure-blood). This is one of those cases where Dante’s true nature shines through; though he will readily (and with much enjoyment) make cynical quips about what he is doing (through the entire ordeal no less), he can always be counted on to do the right thing despite his seemingly foul nature.
Background: Dante was born to a magically inclined mother and a mysterious father whose first name he cannot even recall. He was the younger child of a set of half-blood twins. To say that Dante doesn’t remember much at all about his father is an understatement. To begin with the Sparda head male wasn’t “around” for very long before he completely disappeared from the family’s lives. And even when he was around he wasn’t around all that much, disappearing off to do whatever it was he did. All that Dante can really remember about his father is that his mother was always happy when he was around and that pleased Dante and his twin very much, and the entire family was generally one big happy family as it goes.
Unknown to Dante this father figure was in fact a devil that his mother summoned one night-not in some occult ritual or dark arts feat, but in pure unconscious instinct used a type of “summon protection” spell that resulted in the devil’s unexpected appearance. Dante’s mother was surprised but the devil preformed the tasks set out for him flawlessly and even honorably, saving the entire city that night from a loose horde of evil magical creatures (possibly other demons being controlled by a much higher level demon). In return for his noble deeds Dante’s mother allowed the devil to stay within the human realm on the condition that he live by human rules; which he readily did, and eventually the two fell in love, got married, and had the twins. Thus the Sparda family was born.
There were a few notable items the devil left to his family: one special sword for each of the boys and a magical amulet for their mother. On their sixth birthday their mother split this amulet into two halves, had the backs of them engraved with the twins’ names, and gave each one half. The magical properties of the amulet are unknown to Dante but that doesn’t matter to him-the real treasure is the pendant came from his mother and he cherishes it more than anything in the world. (The magical properties are also undeterminable and obsolete without both halves together, which means the pendant is basically null anyway.) As for the sword (called Rebellion) inherited by the younger twin, while Dante prizes it and it does seem to have some hidden magical properties to it as well, only a very powerful witch or wizard could even remotely tell what this is and again Dante has no clue.
Sometime after this sixth birthday tragedy struck the Sparda family. An attack by more evil creatures, likely the same type from before and most definitely controlled by the same evil entity as previously fought by the honorable devil. By this point in time their father was no longer with them-either killed or banished somehow-and the family didn’t stand a chance. The demons killed the twins’ mother and separated the brothers from one another. Dante believed his twin died with his mother that day and (unless someone apps him) continues to believe this to this day.
After this tragic event eventually Dante was again found by the public relations and put into the foster program where he was shuttled from one foster family to another, none putting up with his increasingly fretful demeanor which soon turned into his blatantly disruptive behavior for very long. It was during this unsettled time in his life that Dante truly began to embrace his rebellious nature and with no one to curb it or really show that they cared well enough he became increasingly impossible to control. And at age eleven the inevitable invite to the school finally happened. Though not interested in school at all and magic in general, Dante decided he’d much prefer to stay there where he could be relatively on his own rather than with the current set of foster parents he was dealing with at the time. Whether they approved or not he managed to find his way to Hogwarts that first year. The foster family grew worried, and only after being chided by the Headmaster himself did Dante finally let the family and the police and all the other damn muggles involved know where he was-well, you know, that he was okay and taken care of that is. It’s complicated; and involved some finagling; and maybe a spell or potion or two. But least to say when he returned back to the muggle world at the end of his first year the family he had been with no longer wanted him and he was shuffled off to another family without much fuss from the officials. So each year he returns to Hogwarts and then back in the muggle world he always ends up with a new foster family and immediately decides that instead of staying with them he’ll “happily” return to the damn school.
It can be noted that either Dante is a late birthday in the school year or else he might have even retaken a year-for he is almost an entire year older than the rest of his year-mates at the beginning of the school year for the past year couple of years-or more. No one really knows and Dante isn’t talking about it; neither are the teachers for that matter. Oh, and Dante is not a very studious student. He barely passes (if he passes) his classes and the only “saving grace” he has is that when it actually comes time to cast a spell he always somehow manages to be able to get it right-even if he’s never cast it before, or never shown any aptitude for that type of magic and/or spell. He seems to be even less keen on academic type studies/classes, and is about as accurate with potion making as he is inaccurate. So it’s quite the wonder to his fellow students that he’s still around this year considering the special tests from last year.
Blood: Half-blood. (Unbeknownst to him or his fellow students the other half does not in fact stand for muggle blood-it is demonic blood.)
Additional Information About his Demonic Heritance:Some of Dante's usual canonical attributes are things like enhanced speed, strength, and endurance. Oh, and an extremely fast healing trait. All of which is naturally higher than a normal humans, and most of the time exceeds other demons/devils/magical creatures. So basically he has enhanced strength, reflexes/speed/agility, endurance, and regeneration. He does not have a Devil Trigger (DT) effect and anyway he's too young and certain events have not happened for him to gain that ability yet.
His unusual abilities would have been shown from a young age in the form of various normal magical abilities as well as the odd strength and healing. Otherwise he'd been pretty average appearing to the regular muggle without too much fuss, besides the odd silver hair thing.
On another note, while he does not know of his own unusual blood inheritance naturally the Headmaster and some of the higher ranking wizards/witches/teachers know as not only do they know everything there is to know about all of the students, but they'd probably have been keeping an eye on him from birth or something and whatnot. Dante just thinks (now that he's in the school) its all about his wizard's blood giving him those special attributes due to, oh I dunno, thinking his mother was totally awesome (powerful) like that. lol.
House: Gryffindor
Why do they belong in this house? I really had a hard time choosing because, quite frankly, Dante is a lot of different things, including selfish and uncaring most of the time. However, I would like to point out that in most cases this is simply a “show” that Dante puts on for his badass reputation. In truth while Dante is extremely rebellious in nature he is simply noble at heart and will more likely than not do the right thing in the end whether he realizes it or not. And he definitely has the bravery to the point of stupidity, fearlessness to the point of doing something stupid, and courage of a hero whether that’s his intent or not. In fact, call him a coward and he’ll probably do any stupid thing you dare him to prove that wrong. He’s also definitely got that fiery temper thing going for him but he’s oddly fantastic at getting out of trouble when it boils down to it.
Plus red is his favorite color? :D /shot.
School Year: 6th
Quidditch Position: Sure, but I don’t think anything’s open? A reserve Beater would work. (He likes to beat the crap out of things; probably the only reason he’d want to play. Fft.)
Would you like the character to possibly get a higher position? Ffffft. /laughs. Oh, oh. That would just be too funny. I’d…probably say no because…. Haha. No.
Roleplay Samples
Journal Sample: Man, every year it’s the same thing. Why do I have to keep coming back here?
It’s stupid. I don’t even like magic. Guess it’s better than living with that stupid foster family though. Tch.
Roleplay Sample: Dante shifted around in his seat again for the umpteenth time during the train ride to Hogwarts; he was beyond antsy sitting around for this amount of time. He’d also had to tell the freakin’ attendant “no, he did not want any Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans” ten million times, too. Or so it felt to him.
He sat alone in his compartment, already having, within the first ten minutes even, either booted everyone else out or scared/annoyed them to the point they flew out like a bat out of hell on their very own. That suited him just fine because he damn well didn’t need any friends. All they did was get in the way, or annoy him while he was trying to nap the day away, or ask him stupid questions about his past which they didn’t need to know.
No, Dante liked it just fine on his own. Even if he was a little bored…
He shifted again, punching the wall hard and not feeling it, to stare listlessly out the window. He was almost happy when the announcement came they were almost there but it certainly didn’t show on his dour face. And if anyone asked--fuck no, he was not pouting the entire trip back up to the school.