It's the yuletidiest time of the year!

Oct 13, 2013 19:29

Dear Yule Goat-

You are super amazing! I'm sorry it took me a while to get this up; I've been sick and really bad at focus and motivation this past, like, week and a half. I hope it didn't make you too crazy, waiting!

General stuff:

I'm happy with gen fic and slash, and extremely happy with het and femslash. I love all ratings, from totally family-friendly to extremely explicit. I'm good with violence, especially given that I have requested several things that involve a lot of happy-gleeful explosions, and ADORE spies being badass. In fact, that's one of my favorite things: badass people being badass, and treating one another well. I like silly and serious and happy and poignant, but would prefer to steer away from anything tremendously dark or bleak. I like there to be hope even in unhappiness; I like losses to be treated as causes for growth. Life is full of hard, hard things, but most of all it goes on.

I love banter, I love snark, I love an edge of the absurd which is likely obvious from my selections. I like poly and kink and spirituality and folklore and would be pretty happy to see domesticity (especially slightly unusual/offbeat approaches to domesticity) and pregnancy (but please no mpreg). I'm fond of genderswap, especially the temporary sort (which doesn't involve magically-growing hair or such). Hijinks and banter and capers and heists and mayhem and teams and people being practical and competent are my favorite. I love fairy tales more than just about anything, and adore fairy tale logic.

I do not want non-con which is overly focused on the trauma. I don't really want deathfic. I don't want mpreg. I'd prefer something not AU. I really do not want anything which is totally locked inside the characters' heads, am not really looking for vignettes, and really really prefer writing to be translucent for the story you're telling rather than murky and playing with experimental styles -- I mostly mean really drug-addled-feeling/postmodern writing, though I don't mind if the charaters are drug-addled. I just don't want to feel like I am after reading it. I like the focus to be on characters and interactions and fun; though I do like plot, my focus tends to be on the people. I mostly want a silly happy romp of whatever sort is appropriate to your chosen prompt.

If you're grasping, I love and adore anything from the 30s through the 60s, noir, and airplanes.

I am particularly fond of established relationships that are essentially functional and happy, if totally off-beat, and of close relationships which aren't about sex or where sex is inessential to the closeness of the relationship: chosen families, friendships that slide in and out of being sexual without it being a problem, partnerships, teams, and generally situations where people have one another's backs and know it. I think there's often a tendency to see Getting Together as the be-all end-all of telling romantic stories, and as much as I love those stories, I don't think they're all there is. I love people making arrangements that work for them in a respectful and communicative way, whatever those may be. I think there are rarely clear lines when talking about relationships: romance, sex, friendship,a and love aren't simple and don't come with easy-to-understand lines between them, and that's a thing to be celebrated. Stories about people being deeply connected where they aren't lovers or where sex is really beside the point make me really happy. That said, I also really adore affectionate sex - sex where people really like one another, whether it's kinky or not, whether they are seriously involved or not.

Some additional likes/dislikes, if you're writing anything involving sex/sexuality: First off, if you deal with people's sexualities at all, please don't make them a hardline Kinsey 0 or 6. Preferring one gender or the other is absolutely fine, as is having to redefine one's idea of their own sexuality, but I view sexuality (and gender, for that matter) as a sliding scale between two extremes, and one which can change over the course of one's life, and don't really want to read about strict monosexuality. That said, it doesn't need to come up.

Now, onto the sex (I hope I don't TMI you, but it seems better to share than for you to go to write porn and then not be sure what I like): I like reading about sex. I am currently in a place where I'd like to read about sex involving a minimum of one woman, because I like pretty girls, but that's not actually an opposition to m/m (though I think in the context of these prompts it's not terribly likely to come up). I like reading about penetrative sex, but I really really like reading about all the ways people can have sex which AREN'T solely penis-in-vagina or penis-in-anus: frot is awesome, wanking and mutual masturbation are fantastic, oral sex is awesome. Kink is a++ great. I love consensual voyeurism and exhibitionism a lot. I love dirty talk (talking in bed, talking about desires or fantasies or scenarios or describing what is going on). Figging is awesome. Helpless begging is awesome. Public sex where no one else knows and one person is worried they'll be caught is awesome. Pegging is awesome. Power dynamics are awesome. Fantasizing is awesome. Overwhelmed-by-desire is awesome. Bondage is awesome. D/s is awesome. If you're wondering How Kinky is Too Kinky, I direct you to the things I have bookmarked on AO3 and memoried under 'fics' on LJ; I think that will rid you effectively of any concerns in that area. I don't like humiliation or slut-shaming language, though - I find calling someone unkind names in bed to be a serious turnoff.

And now for the fandoms:

Girl Genius - Agatha Heterodyne, Castle Heterodyne, Gilgamesh Wulfenbach, Tarvek Sturmvoraus

I love them all so much. I will be keeping up on current canon, but I don't mind if you choose to ignore the current run of stuff (after Agatha's side trip / the door) because I for one have no idea where it's going. So either way. Futurefic would also be good.

I love both Gil and Tarvek. I, with the Castle, ship the threesome pretty darn hard. I also love the times that Gil and Tarvek betray affection for one another; I think there's a lot there, and they resent that fact. I would love anything with them and Agatha being brilliant and Sparky and Mad and into each other / Weird About Each Other. This can be anything from as gen as the comic is to as explicit as you can imagine. And the Castle is always a plus in any story ever.

I would be happy for any other character you choose to include, because approximately 100% of them are amazing. (Does anyone else get a kick out of reading the jagers' lines out loud? Is that just me?)

Death By Silver - Amy Griswold and Melissa Scott - Miss Frost

I love Miss Frost! I love her very practical magic, and her keen good sense, and I would very very much enjoy ANYTHING you could write me about her, whether it be her solving cases or using magic or giving us insight into the women (particularly magic-using women) of her world or just going through her day. She's wonderful!

Wise Child Series - Monica Furlong - Juniper, Wise Child

I have read all three books, but didn't read Colman until the past few years, so I'm not imprinted on it the way I am the others. I'm happy for you to include it or exclude it, as you prefer.

I love Wise Child best. I love and adore the narrative about teaching, and I love everything about adult Juniper. I love how patient and kind she is, and how she slowly, often quietly, teaches Wise Child so much about becoming a better person. I would love more about being a doran, or more patient tutelage. I would love seeing Wise Child teach her own one-day apprentice. I would love anything that feels like these books. Backstory would also be lovely. I am very easy.

Mulan (1998) - Li Shang

I would love and adore something focusing on Shang's inevitable angst over Mulan's gender and sex. He's got to be having trouble left, right, and center over this. Was he attracted to Ping? How did he feel about that? How does he reconcile Ping and Mulan, and his appreciation for and attraction to each? How hard is his life here? Basically, I want sexuality angst which is not solved by Ping turning out to be a woman, while still leaving Shang happy with Mulan ultimately.

RED 2 (2013)

I love both RED and RED 2. I most want something which feels like the movies, with the same kind of comic book larger-than-life utter ridiculousity. I love all the characters. I love the way Sarah is just SPRINTING up the learning curve in her life. I love the explosions and the strange practicalities and the utter willingness to shrug and accept absolute madness as normalcy, everyone's utter unflappability. Anything you write that feels like the movies will make me so happy. I would prefer something which isn't Marvin POV, as that sounds traumatic.

Lawyers Guns and Money - Warren Zevon (Song)

Much like RED, I would be happy for shenanigans here! It's a pretty open prompt, and I will be happy with whatever you choose to do here!

Most of all, dear author, enjoy yourself and enjoy this Yuletide. If anything I ask for makes you cringe, please discard it! Optional details are, as always, very optional.

You're the best.

A very grateful Quinn

dear author

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