I'm bored and I found this on Brazil's LJ. Enjoy.
001. What is Your Name? Libby
002. How old are you? 17
003. What is the link to your website, blog, or myspace? errr. i dont remember off the top of my head and i'm too lazy to look
004. Favorite Color: bright yellow. none of that mustard-y shit. nuh uh.
005. Your Car: don't have one..
006. Your Crushes First Name: does Jesus count?
007. Your Style: jeans and a t-shirt 365 days a year
008. Have You Ever Sat on your rooftop? yes
009. Have You Ever Kissed someone in the rain? yeah. it wasn't that great
010. Have You Ever Talked to someone you don't know? talking to strangers is my life
011. Have You Ever Gone out of your way to befriend someone? i guess?
012. Have You Ever Made out in a theatre? yep
013. Who was the last person to Tell you, I love you? Ella Vincent <3
014. Who was the last person to Kiss you? romantically? I'm not sure. its been awhile
015. Who was the last person to Call your cell phone? Andrea
016. Who was the last person to Go with you to the movies? Emily Z. and Clark
017. Who was the last person to Touch you? Ella
018. What's the last Movie you watched? part of The 40 Year Old Virgin
019. What's the last Drink you've had? Dr. Pepper
020. Can You Stay up a whole night without sleep? yes. but then I am totally useless the next day
021. Can You Speak a different language? Hablo espanol. XD
022. Favorite Food: uhhh. Chocolate milkshakes?
023. Favorite Drink: at the moment, horchata
024. What's Your Favorite Baseball Team and Football Team: meh.
025. Favorite Store: at the moment, Target
026. Longest Relationship: Ricky Pascacio. 4 and 1/2 months
027. Have You Ever Skinny Dipped? yeah
028. Have You Ever Had Sex? yes
029. Do you have any siblings? yep. My sister, Johanna, is 21
030. Do you wear glasses or contacts? contacts.
031. Do you have any piercings? nose piercing
032. Have you ever Been caught doing something you weren't supposed to do? durr.
033. What was the last Song you've listened to? Ella y Yo - Aventura ft. Don Omar
034. What was the last Thing you were doing before this? scheduling college tours XP
035. How much cash do you have on you? $13
036. What did your last text message say? "See ya soon!"
037. What were you doing at midnight last night? driving home from the alamo house
038. What's a word that you say a lot? does "nguh" count?
039. What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? hair. or voice
040. Are you too shy to ask someone out? yess
041. Who would you like to see right now? Karla <3
042. Would you go on a date with someone on MySpace? um yeah. I'm a stupid hoe. Fo sho.
043. The first time You had sex? I dont remember the date. sometime in October 2005
044. The first time You had oral sex? see above, yo.
045. The last time You saw someone else naked? who? errr...depends how you define "naked"
046. The last time You played truth or dare? a longgggg time ago
047. Are you single? yep
048. How many relationships have you had? three.
049. How many of them were sexual? one
050. What are you wearing? jeans and my "ciao bella" shirt from italy
051. Have you ever had a one night stand? nope
052. Did it involve sex? no
053. Who are you with or who do you want to be with? ...*sigh*
054. Do you beleive you should be in love to have sex? not necessarily
055. Right at this moment Where are you? sitting at the computer....
056. Have you ever been to NYC? yeah, when i was 6
057. Have u ever pulled an all nighter? where? yes. at Boquete in Panama and at various cons
058. What was the last compliment you recieved? "You're so cute"
059. Would you ever date someone younger than you? yeah. maybe a year younger
060. Would you ever date someone older than you? yes. no comment
061. Are you the romantic type? i'd say so
062. Is your best friend a virgin? I have two best friends. one is, the other one isn't
063. Has there ever been a rumor spread about you? not really
064. What did you do last night? went to the This Is My Fist show at the Alamo with Ella and Andrea
065. Favorite Place to live? So far, Panama City
066. Best place to go on a date? I dunno...I -do- love the movies. parks are good too
067. Most memorable experience with a friend? prolly going to the beach with my homies back in Panama
068. Any trips planned with friends? visiting chicago with jory and looking at schools. but my mom will be there too
069. Opinions/ Thoughts on Drugs and alcohol? drinking/using drugs on occasion is okay, as long as it doesn't interfere with your daily life and you're not using them to forget your problems. Also, heroin/crack/meth is whack.
070. Do you believe that there is such a thing as soulmates? maybe
071. Whats the carziest thing you've done? hard to say
072. Do you have your own crib? nope
073. DO U LOVE 2 PARTY i would say so
075. R U A HEARTBRAKER not that i've heard
076. Have any pets? 1 gross dog, Lilly
077. Talked on the phone for more than 6 hrs : no. I hate the phone
078. How did you find out about Myspace? Katy?
079. Have you ever called anyone you met on Myspace? hellz naw
080. Have you ever met anyone you met on Myspace? nope