Aaah, the sweet sweet taste of rejection.
Now on to the next.
So I didn't get into uiuc. Part of me was crushed, but part was completely prepared for it. I just applied to UIS, which is University of Illinois in Springfield. They look promising and I shouldn't have a problem there. I'm also applying to Columbia and Southern. I've been accepted to Illinois State, so worse come to worse, I do have a comfort to fall back on.
My understanding is I got rejected because I only had the graphic design school checking out my work, and in all honesty, I only had like 2 pieces that would have gone into that catagory, and they weren't even that good. If they had an illustration school there, I would have slaughtered them all. I mean seriously, my work does not fit into any of these catagories.
Art Education
Art History
Graphic Design
Industrial Design
whatever, weirdos. Compaired to everyone else that applied, there was one guy who's work was like "OMG you rock." but other than that, my work was similar in 'goodness' to everyone else's. I just hope he got in.