Apr 26, 2010 00:51

So while I'm spending 92842081+ hours on fixing broken images and all that, here's a new layout I made:

preview  ☇  download (.txt file)

❥ layout info

STYLE: S2 Flexible Squares
TESTED IN: Mozilla Firefox
HEADER IMAGE: Not recommended.
WORKS FOR: Basic/Plus/Paid Accounts
ADVERTISEMENT-PLACEMENT: Horizontal/Vertical/Between Entries
RESOURCES: Here! (feel free to ask for the specific one)

❥ how to use it

01: Go to Select Journal Style. The link should give you all Flexible Squares themes available and if not, type the name in the search field. Pick any Flexible Squares theme listed there. Specifically, I used "Chocolate Milkshake".
02: Go to Custom CSS and set "No" for [Use layout's stylesheet(s)] and [Use external stylesheets]. If you scroll down, you will find a huuge textarea. It's time to insert the stylesheet! (Right click in the textfile and pick "Select All" and push Ctrl+C.) Paste everything in the huge textarea. Hit Save Changes and you're done.

❥ additional info

Header image:
You may switch the image with another one, if you prefer something else. 8)

Sidebar alignment info: (everything else is set to "Yes")
[Title of the blurb sidebar box] Blurb (remove blurb so it's blank)
[Title of the links sidebar box] Links (remove the text so it's blank)
[Show tags in the sidebar?] No.
[Show the page summary in the sidebar?] No.
[Show the calendar in the sidebar?] No.

ORDERING: (Default Userpic) -> (Blurb) -> (Link List) -> (Calendar) -> (Tags) -> (Page Summary)

Main instructions for css + rules can be found here.
Remember to either state "layout by miiscea/triclementia" somewhere.

! layouts, # mei: miiscea, ! layouts: flexible squares

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