Both have benefits, obviously. I seem to get more feedback when it's posted to LJ (and I can take the not-review-whore route all I like, I do like feedback.) I find ff.n way easier, since I have to go back and reformat everything for LJ, and momma loves her italics. Is there a special way to post to rich text that I'm missing? Cut/paste makes the
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Comments 10
I may just post all of Naturalized here and just backdate it, for fear of the deletion off of ff.n if nothing else. I actually don't have Naturalized backed up on my computer. I win!
It's something specifically about's ads. I think she implied there was spyware or something-- which makes sense, since it's my new and improved Spybot that keeps me from seeing a damned thing on sometimes. LJ's ads don't do it the same way.
I didn't know, I suppose that makes sense. Might explain why ff.n was acting up for Macs there for a couple of weeks. Neither Dwim nor I could upload or review anything, yet all the Windows users seemed to be prancing along in happy land (I had to have calger459 upload "Minstrel Show").
Buuuut, like you said, you can actually have a discussion on LJ.
But this story is good enough that I think you need to post it in both places so nobody misses out. :) I know even I groan at this because I am a lazy bastard, but seriously.
So to sum it up for you: I was no help whatsoever. *evilgrin*
I like that I get an e-mail from FFN, but that's about all I like. I wade through a TON of crap to get to look at all the stories posted. And I rarely get replies to my comments on FFN. Links are good and nice and make me happy if you're going to just use FFN.
LJ I find much more readable. I had a quick HTML lesson from ravynstoneabbey and haven't looked back. dinogrrrl did give you a pretty good overview of the rich text option, and it works quite well. I also like the back-and-forth commenting on LJ, plus it's easier to collect my links for The Cybertronian. But again, a link would work.
And the LJ FAQs are my best friends for figuring out how to do something. They're very easy to follow.
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