[The feed was blank for several moments, someone hadn't quite figured out how to work the strange and newly-discovered device in his hand. Several button smashes later and the video turned on. Residents of Demeleier might recognize the green tunic, blue eyes, and pointy ears but it wasn't the same person
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Big Bro Link!
Can you take me... to Big Sis Val?
Hey, hey, Big Sis Val! Big Bro Link wants to talk to you!
Link, you say? [ And she'll be opening the door about now. Hi, Luki! Is that L -- oh. Oh. Yeah, give her a minute to do some serious blinking because that... that is Link alright, just not the Link she knows. ]
Uweh, Big Bro Link doesn't remember us! I think he fought those guys that Big Sis Val fought that made her forget Luki too. [that's ... you know, the obvious answer, right?] Oh, and he's looking for a princess!
You think so, huh? [ She looks from Luki to Link, reaching into her suit jacket's pocket for her iron link as she moves to bridge some of the distance between herself and the man. ] So you don't remember anything about World's End? And this princess you're looking for, her name wouldn't happen to be Princess Zelda, would it?
Princess Zelda.
[Can you help me, Big Sis Val?]
Big Bro Link wants to see Princess Zelda. Do you know where she is, Big Sis?
Well, that's never happened before, he thought to himself not daring to move a muscle just staring at the lady in confusion.]
Something like that, Luki. It's okay, though. Link won the game. [ Patting the iron link in her pocket, she inclines her head toward him now. She's still got questions, but -- ] Right then. You're looking for Princess Zelda. Do you know which one?
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